英孚 6.1:
我们刚刚开始了一个有很多 pf 继承的项目。选定的继承数据库映射类型是每个层次结构的表。问题是,当尝试使用 add-migration 生成迁移时,会引发以下错误:
The foreign key component 'VersionId' is not a declared property on type 'SER'. Verify that it has not been explicitly excluded from the model and that it is a valid primitive property.
public class Version : BaseObject
public virtual ICollection<SER> ListOfSER { get; set; }
public abstract class AbsractR : BaseObject
public int ParentId { get; set; }
public int ChildId { get; set; }
public int VersionId { get; set; }
public virtual Version Version { get; set; }
public class SER : AbstractR
public int SEDId
return base.ChildId;
base.ChildId = value;
public virtual SED SED { get; set; }
public abstract class AbstractD : BaseObject
public class SED : AbstractD
public virtual ICollection<SER> ListOfSER { get; set; }
public class SDContext : BaseContext
public DbSet<Version> Versions { get; set; }
public DbSet<AbstractD> Ds { get; set; }
public DbSet<AbstractR> Rs { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new VersionConfiguration());
#region Refs
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new AbstractRConfiguration());
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new SERConfiguration());
#region Defs
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new AbstractDConfiguration());
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new SEDConfiguration());
public class BaseObjectConfiguration<T> : EntityTypeConfiguration<T> where T : BaseObject
public BaseObjectConfiguration()
#region Key
this.HasKey(bo => bo.Id);
#region Properties
this.Property(bo => bo.Id).IsRequired();
this.Property(bo => bo.IsDeleted).IsRequired();
this.Property(bo => bo.LastModificationDate).IsOptional();
this.Property(bo => bo.OptimisticVersion).IsConcurrencyToken().IsRequired().IsRowVersion();
this.Property(bo => bo.CreationDate).IsRequired();
this.Property(bo => bo.DeletionDate).IsOptional();
public class VersionConfiguration : BaseObjectConfiguration<Version>
public VersionConfiguration() : base()
#region Properties
#region Objects
this.HasMany(mdv => mdv.ListOfSER).WithRequired().HasForeignKey(ser => ser.VersionId).WillCascadeOnDelete(false);
#region Table
public class AbstractRConfiguration : BaseObjectConfiguration<AbstractR>
public AbstractRConfiguration()
: base()
#region Properties
this.Property(ser => ser.VersionId).IsRequired();
#region Objects
this.HasRequired(ar => ar.Version).WithMany().HasForeignKey(ar => ar.VersionId).WillCascadeOnDelete(false);
#region Table
public class SERConfiguration : BaseObjectConfiguration<SER>
public SERConfiguration()
: base()
#region Properties
this.Ignore(ser => ser.SEDId);
#region Objects
this.HasRequired(ser => ser.SED).WithMany(sed => sed.ListOfSER).HasForeignKey(ser => ser.ChildId).WillCascadeOnDelete(false);
#region Table
public class AbstractDConfiguration : BaseObjectConfiguration<AbstractD>
public AbstractDConfiguration() : base()
public class SEDConfiguration : BaseObjectConfiguration<SED>
public SEDConfiguration()
: base()
#region Properties
#region Objects
this.HasMany(sed => sed.ListOfSER).WithRequired(sed => sed.SED).HasForeignKey(sed => sed.ChildId).WillCascadeOnDelete(false);
#region Table
我知道我们可以使用 [ForeignKey] 属性来告诉派生类的导航属性应该使用父抽象类中定义的列。我们希望避免使用 DataAnnotations。我只是不明白为什么它会抛出这个错误。“版本”导航属性是在 AbstractR 配置中定义的,而不是在 SER 配置中定义的(由于 SER 继承自 AbstractR,这也应该有效),对吗?
其次,在删除 Version 属性和映射时,SER 映射中使用的“ChildId”和“ParentId”属性也会出现同样的问题。这是一个已知问题吗?难道我做错了什么 ?
PS:为简单起见,已删除 ParentId 映射,因为它似乎与 ChildId 映射存在相同的问题。
经过更多研究,Fluent API 似乎无法使用基类属性进行映射。那正确吗 ?这是一种通缉行为吗?为什么 DataAnnotations 能够使用基类属性而不是 Fluent API?不是所有的基类属性都插入到每个类中,还是使用某种装饰器模式读取?