I want to add some more data to properties of CreateImageForm
in handle
method. So when it create image, it has one custom property abc
After changes code might be like this
def handle(self, request, data):
# Glance does not really do anything with container_format at the
# moment. It requires it is set to the same disk_format for the three
# Amazon image types, otherwise it just treats them as 'bare.' As such
# we will just set that to be that here instead of bothering the user
# with asking them for information we can already determine.
if data['disk_format'] in ('ami', 'aki', 'ari',):
container_format = data['disk_format']
container_format = 'bare'
meta = {'is_public': data['is_public'],
'protected': data['protected'],
'disk_format': data['disk_format'],
'container_format': container_format,
'min_disk': (data['minimum_disk'] or 0),
'min_ram': (data['minimum_ram'] or 0),
'name': data['name'],
'properties': {}}
if data['description']:
meta['properties']['description'] = data['description']
if data['architecture']:
meta['properties']['architecture'] = data['architecture']
# My changes
meta['properties']['abc'] = 'def'
policy.check((("image", "upload_image"),), request) and
data.get('image_file', None)):
meta['data'] = self.files['image_file']
meta['copy_from'] = data['copy_from']
image = api.glance.image_create(request, **meta)
_('Your image %s has been queued for creation.') %
return image
except Exception:
exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to create new image.'))
I want to do this without changing existing code, like overriding or inheriting class.