My problem is simple. Cant seem to figure out how to arm my ESC using ardiuno. The circuit is installed correctly and everything is fine too. the ESC does power 3 servos that I attached and arduino controls those servos just fine. The only thing I need to know is to arm ESC. I know all ESC require a specific configuration but I cant seem to figure out what I need to do for mine. I did notice that the ESC needs a servo signal of "27" to turn its led on. Im guessing it means its ready to roll but then I send "90" and nothing happens. When I run the example servo sweep code with ESC ,the motor runs for a split second and stops. I tried to send all signals from 27 to 180 manually. nothing happens.
This is my ESC and motor:
It came with the car. It isn't an upgrade or anything. The car works fine with the radio receiver . but I just can't arm the ESC to make it go lol
Hope someone can shed some light on this matter. Hopefully someone who dealt with the above menntioned ESC.