Is there a way to trigger a custom event in javascript, so that it will propagate using the capture model?

I have a hierarchy of elements that I use as a mean to communicate between objects. Each level of the hierarchy represents a sub-family of object. Ideally, I could trigger an event to each family's or sub-family's objects using their common ancestor.


animals |_ | mammals | |_cats | |_dogs |_ reptiles |_alligators |_dinosaurs

(please no comments on my inadequate taxonomy :) )

I would like to be able to trigger an event for all animals, all mammals or all cats, or event to a single cat instance.

However, I can only find examples of custom events using the bubbling phase, so I want to know if it's me missing something or is this really impossible.

I know I can use event delegation on the root element for all instance, but it will scale really badly (this system needs to handle thousands of events of all types).

Any ideas?


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This is not possible with current DOM event specification, as it only supports the bubble phase.

于 2016-08-09T06:41:34.957 回答