MDN 文档正在讨论完全替换原型,而不是向其添加新属性或方法(由于内部 [[Prototype]] 属性是共享的,因此将添加到共享该原型的所有对象中)。考虑这个例子:
function Person(name, age)
{ = name?name:"Parent Function";
this.age = age?age:"Old as Time";
Person.prototype.strength = "some strength";
var parent = new Person("Ebeneezer", 42);
console.log(parent.strength); //"some strength"
//Replace `Person.prototype` with a completely new prototype object
Person.prototype = {
//setting the 'constructor' property correctly when replacing a prototype object
//is a best practice, but it will work without this too
constructor: Person
console.log(parent.strength); //still "some strength"
var child = new Person("Aluiscious", 12);
//This will be undefined, because the object was created after the prototype was changed
在上面的例子中,实例的 [[Prototype]] 属性引用了两个不同的原型对象,因为我.prototype =
属性被添加到两个对象中 - 两个对象的内部 [[Prototype]] 属性仍然是对同一个共享原型对象的引用。认识到原型的对象和数组属性也是共享的也很重要。例如,假设您在原型children
//Don't do this!
Person.prototype.children = [];
var parent1 = new Person("Ebeneezer", 42);
parent1.children.push(new Person("Child A"));
var parent2 = new Person("Noah", 35);
parent2.children.push(new Person("Child B"));
你可能认为这会导致 Ebenezer 有一个只包含 Child A 的数组,而 Noah 有一个只包含 Child B 的数组,但实际上父母双方现在都有一个包含 BOTH Child A 和 Child B 的数组,因为children
实际上是指属于内部 [[Prototype]] 对象的同一个数组。
function Person(name, age)
{ = name?name:"Parent Function";
this.age = age?age:"Old as Time";
this.children = [];
//it's fine to declare methods on the prototype - in fact it's good, because it saves
//memory, whereas if you defined them in the constructor there would be a separate copy
//of the method for each instance
Person.prototype.addChild = function(child) {
if (!child instanceof Person) {
throw new Error("child must be a Person object");
//Note: in a real system you would probably also want to check that the passed child
//object isn't already in the array
Person.prototype.children = [];
var parent1 = new Person("Ebeneezer", 42);
parent1.children.push(new Person("Child A"));
var parent2 = new Person("Noah", 35);
parent2.children = [];
//now `parent2` has its own `children` array, and Javascript will use that
//instead of the `children` property on the prototype.
parent2.children.push(new Person("Child B"));
数组 forparent1
原型上的属性,所以如果你要创建一个新的 Person 对象,那么它仍然会children
与 Ebenezer 共享:
var parent3 = new Person("Eve");
console.log(parent3.children); //array containing Child A
这篇文章也可能有助于理解这一点:http ://