这真的取决于你所说的“mixin”是什么意思——每个人的想法似乎都略有不同。我希望看到的那种 mixin (但在 C# 中不可用)使实现通过组合变得简单:
public class Mixin : ISomeInterface
private SomeImplementation impl implements ISomeInterface;
public void OneMethod()
// Specialise just this method
编译器将通过将每个成员代理到“impl”来实现 ISomeInterface,除非类中直接有另一个实现。
public interface IColor
byte Red {get;}
byte Green {get;}
byte Blue {get;}
public static class ColorExtensions
public static byte Luminance(this IColor c)
return (byte)(c.Red*0.3 + c.Green*0.59+ c.Blue*0.11);
这为您提供了一个有限的 mixin,如 CMS 的第一个链接中所述。
public interface IColor
byte Red {get;}
byte Green {get;}
byte Blue {get;}
// compiler generates anonymous extension class
public static byte Luminance(this IColor c)
return (byte)(c.Red*0.3 + c.Green*0.59+ c.Blue*0.11);
尽管 Jon 提出的编译器技巧会更好。
有一个开源框架使您能够通过 C# 实现 mixins。看看http://remix.codeplex.com/。
用这个框架很容易实现 mixins。只需查看示例和页面上给出的“附加信息”链接。
LinFu和Castle 的DynamicProxy实现了 mixins。COP(面向复合编程)可以被认为是用 mixins 制作一个完整的范例。Anders Noras 的这篇文章包含有用的信息和链接。
编辑:这在 C# 2.0 中都是可能的,没有扩展方法
我需要类似的东西,所以我想出了以下使用 Reflection.Emit。在下面的代码中,动态生成了一个新类型,它有一个“mixin”类型的私有成员。所有对“mixin”接口方法的调用都转发给这个私有成员。定义了一个单参数构造函数,它接受一个实现“mixin”接口的实例。基本上,它等同于为给定的具体类型 T 和接口 I 编写以下代码:
class Z : T, I
I impl;
public Z(I impl)
this.impl = impl;
// Implement all methods of I by proxying them through this.impl
// as follows:
// I.Foo()
// {
// return this.impl.Foo();
// }
public class MixinGenerator
public static Type CreateMixin(Type @base, Type mixin)
// Mixin must be an interface
if (!mixin.IsInterface)
throw new ArgumentException("mixin not an interface");
TypeBuilder typeBuilder = DefineType(@base, new Type[]{mixin});
FieldBuilder fb = typeBuilder.DefineField("impl", mixin, FieldAttributes.Private);
DefineConstructor(typeBuilder, fb);
DefineInterfaceMethods(typeBuilder, mixin, fb);
Type t = typeBuilder.CreateType();
return t;
static AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder;
private static TypeBuilder DefineType(Type @base, Type [] interfaces)
assemblyBuilder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(
new AssemblyName(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()), AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);
ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
TypeBuilder b = moduleBuilder.DefineType(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
return b;
private static void DefineConstructor(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, FieldBuilder fieldBuilder)
ConstructorBuilder ctor = typeBuilder.DefineConstructor(
MethodAttributes.Public, CallingConventions.Standard, new Type[] { fieldBuilder.FieldType });
ILGenerator il = ctor.GetILGenerator();
// Call base constructor
ConstructorInfo baseCtorInfo = typeBuilder.BaseType.GetConstructor(new Type[]{});
il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, typeBuilder.BaseType.GetConstructor(new Type[0]));
// Store type parameter in private field
il.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, fieldBuilder);
private static void DefineInterfaceMethods(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, Type mixin, FieldInfo instanceField)
MethodInfo[] methods = mixin.GetMethods();
foreach (MethodInfo method in methods)
MethodInfo fwdMethod = instanceField.FieldType.GetMethod(method.Name,
method.GetParameters().Select((pi) => { return pi.ParameterType; }).ToArray<Type>());
MethodBuilder methodBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineMethod(
// Could not call absract method, so remove flag
fwdMethod.Attributes & (~MethodAttributes.Abstract),
fwdMethod.GetParameters().Select(p => p.ParameterType).ToArray());
typeBuilder.DefineMethodOverride(methodBuilder, method);
// Emit method body
ILGenerator il = methodBuilder.GetILGenerator();
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, instanceField);
// Call with same parameters
for (int i = 0; i < method.GetParameters().Length; i++)
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg, i + 1);
il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, fwdMethod);
public interface ISum
int Sum(int x, int y);
public class SumImpl : ISum
public int Sum(int x, int y)
return x + y;
public class Multiply
public int Mul(int x, int y)
return x * y;
// Generate a type that does multiply and sum
Type newType = MixinGenerator.CreateMixin(typeof(Multiply), typeof(ISum));
object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(newType, new object[] { new SumImpl() });
int res = ((Multiply)instance).Mul(2, 4);
res = ((ISum)instance).Sum(1, 4);
您还可以扩展扩展方法方法以合并状态,其模式与 WPF 的附加属性不同。
// Mixin class: mixin infrastructure and mixin component definitions
public static class Mixin
// =====================================
// ComponentFoo: Sample mixin component
// =====================================
// ComponentFooState: ComponentFoo contents
class ComponentFooState
public ComponentFooState() {
// initialize as you like
this.Name = "default name";
public string Name { get; set; }
// ComponentFoo methods
// if you like, replace T with some interface
// implemented by your target class(es)
public static void
SetName<T>(this T obj, string name) {
var state = GetState(component_foo_states, obj);
// do something with "obj" and "state"
// for example:
state.Name = name + " the " + obj.GetType();
public static string
GetName<T>(this T obj) {
var state = GetState(component_foo_states, obj);
return state.Name;
// =====================================
// boilerplate
// =====================================
// instances of ComponentFoo's state container class,
// indexed by target object
static readonly Dictionary<object, ComponentFooState>
component_foo_states = new Dictionary<object, ComponentFooState>();
// get a target class object's associated state
// note lazy instantiation
static TState
GetState<TState>(Dictionary<object, TState> dict, object obj)
where TState : new() {
TState ret;
if(!dict.TryGet(obj, out ret))
dict[obj] = ret = new TState();
return ret;
var some_obj = new SomeClass();
Console.WriteLine(some_obj.GetName()); // "Johny the SomeClass"
您还可以考虑使用 WeakDictionary 实现来避免由于集合将目标类引用作为键而导致的内存泄漏。
我在这里找到了一种解决方法,虽然不完全优雅,但可以让您实现完全可观察的 mixin 行为。此外,IntelliSense 仍然有效!
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; //needed for ConditionalWeakTable
public interface MAgeProvider // use 'M' prefix to indicate mixin interface
// nothing needed in here, it's just a 'marker' interface
public static class AgeProvider // implements the mixin using extensions methods
static ConditionalWeakTable<MAgeProvider, Fields> table;
static AgeProvider()
table = new ConditionalWeakTable<MAgeProvider, Fields>();
private sealed class Fields // mixin's fields held in private nested class
internal DateTime BirthDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
public static int GetAge(this MAgeProvider map)
DateTime dtNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
DateTime dtBorn = table.GetOrCreateValue(map).BirthDate;
int age = ((dtNow.Year - dtBorn.Year) * 372
+ (dtNow.Month - dtBorn.Month) * 31
+ (dtNow.Day - dtBorn.Day)) / 372;
return age;
public static void SetBirthDate(this MAgeProvider map, DateTime birthDate)
table.GetOrCreateValue(map).BirthDate = birthDate;
public abstract class Animal
// contents unimportant
public class Human : Animal, MAgeProvider
public string Name;
public Human(string name)
Name = name;
// nothing needed in here to implement MAgeProvider
static class Test
static void Main()
Human h = new Human("Jim");
h.SetBirthDate(new DateTime(1980, 1, 1));
Console.WriteLine("Name {0}, Age = {1}", h.Name, h.GetAge());
Human h2 = new Human("Fred");
h2.SetBirthDate(new DateTime(1960, 6, 1));
Console.WriteLine("Name {0}, Age = {1}", h2.Name, h2.GetAge());
如果您有一个可以存储数据的基类,您可以强制编译器安全并使用标记接口。这或多或少是公认答案中的“C# 3.0 中的混合”所提出的。
public static class ModelBaseMixins
public interface IHasStuff{ }
public static void AddStuff<TObjectBase>(this TObjectBase objectBase, Stuff stuff) where TObjectBase: ObjectBase, IHasStuff
var stuffStore = objectBase.Get<IList<Stuff>>("stuffStore");
public abstract class ObjectBase
protected ModelBase()
_objects = new Dictionary<string, object>();
private readonly Dictionary<string, object> _objects;
internal void Add<T>(T thing, string name)
_objects[name] = thing;
internal T Get<T>(string name)
T thing = null;
_objects.TryGetValue(name, out thing);
return (T) thing;
因此,如果您有一个类,您可以从“ObjectBase”继承并使用 IHasStuff 进行装饰,您现在可以添加 sutff
这是我刚刚提出的一个 mixin 实现。我可能会将它与我的库一起使用。
它都是静态类型的,没有字典或其他东西。每种类型都需要一些额外的代码,每个实例不需要任何存储。另一方面,如果您愿意,它还为您提供了动态更改 mixin 实现的灵活性。没有后期构建、预构建、中期构建工具。
public interface Mixin {}
该接口由 mixins 实现。Mixins 是常规类。类型不直接继承或实现 mixins。相反,他们只是使用接口公开了一个 mixin 的实例:
public interface HasMixins {}
public interface Has<TMixin> : HasMixins
where TMixin : Mixin {
TMixin Mixin { get; }
实现这个接口意味着支持 mixin。显式实现它很重要,因为每种类型都会有几个。
public static class MixinUtils {
public static TMixin Mixout<TMixin>(this Has<TMixin> what)
where TMixin : Mixin {
return what.Mixin;
公开适当类型的 mixin。现在,为了测试这一点,让我们定义:
public abstract class Mixin1 : Mixin {}
public abstract class Mixin2 : Mixin {}
public abstract class Mixin3 : Mixin {}
public class Test : Has<Mixin1>, Has<Mixin2> {
private class Mixin1Impl : Mixin1 {
public static readonly Mixin1Impl Instance = new Mixin1Impl();
private class Mixin2Impl : Mixin2 {
public static readonly Mixin2Impl Instance = new Mixin2Impl();
Mixin1 Has<Mixin1>.Mixin => Mixin1Impl.Instance;
Mixin2 Has<Mixin2>.Mixin => Mixin2Impl.Instance;
static class TestThis {
public static void run() {
var t = new Test();
var a = t.Mixout<Mixin1>();
var b = t.Mixout<Mixin2>();
有趣的是(尽管回想起来,它确实有意义),IntelliSense 没有检测到扩展方法Mixout
实际上有 mixin。如果你试试,
[Obsolete("The object does not have this mixin.", true)]
public static TSome Mixout<TSome>(this HasMixins something) where TSome : Mixin {
return default(TSome);
它的作用是,a) 显示Mixout
在 IntelliSense 中调用的方法,提醒您它的存在,并且 b) 提供更具描述性的错误消息(由Obsolete