您可以使用正则表达式来拆分 JavaScript 正则表达式。
然后,您应该将正则表达式转换为词法上更简单的 JavaScript 子集,从而避免所有非上下文无关的怪异/
var REGEXP_PARTS = "(?:"
// A regular character
+ "[^/\r\n\u2028\u2029\\[\\\\]"
// An escaped character, charset reference or backreference
+ "|\\\\[^\r\n\u2028\u2029]"
// A character set
+ "|\\[(?!\\])(?:[^\\]\\\\]|\\\\[^\r\n\u2028\u2029])+\\]"
+ ")";
var REGEXP_REGEXP = new RegExp(
// A regex starts with a slash
// It cannot be lexically ambiguous with a line or block comemnt
+ "(?![*/])"
// Capture the body in group 1
+ "(" + REGEXP_PARTS + "+)"
// The body is terminated by a slash
+ "[/]"
// Capture the flags in group 2
+ "([gmi]{0,3})$");
var match = myString.match(REGEXP_REGEXP);
if (match) {
var ctorExpression =
"(new RegExp("
// JSON.stringify escapes special chars in the body, so will
// preserve token boundaries.
+ JSON.stringify(match[1])
+ "," + JSON.stringify(match[2])
+ "))";
这将导致表达式位于 JavaScript 的一个易于理解的子集中。