并最终开始制作这个小例子,希望有助于讨论(即使对于 OP 的原始需求来说为时已晚)。
- 使用结果
- 展示该
gllapred varname,
mu marg
- 比较了估计不同响应的单独(和相关)随机效应的扩展方法和只产生一个随机截距的“朴素”方法。
此类模型的有用参考是早期手册的第 9.3 节gllamm
set more off
input id q1 q2 q3 q4 age female
1 3 1 2 3 10 1
2 3 1 2 3 12 0
3 3 3 1 1 11 0
4 1 1 2 3 9 1
5 1 3 1 1 10 1
6 2 3 1 2 11 1
7 2 1 1 3 11 1
8 2 1 3 3 11 1
9 1 2 3 1 11 1
10 1 2 3 1 11 1
11 2 1 3 2 12 0
12 3 1 1 2 12 1
13 2 1 2 3 12 0
14 2 1 1 1 12 0
15 3 2 1 1 12 0
reshape long q, i(id) j(item)
这是一个“幼稚”模型,尽管对响应 = 2(对 1)和响应 = 3(对 1)的结果进行了单独估计,但它只产生一个随机效应方差。
gllamm q age female,i(id) link(mlogit) family(binomial) base(1)
正如 OP 指出的那样,该gllapred varname, mu marg
方法基本上可以预测每个人对每个响应的概率。尽管名称相似,但这与 Stata 的margins
// The -gllapred- approach
gllapred x1,outcome(1) mu marginal
gllapred x2,outcome(2) mu marginal
gllapred x3,outcome(3) mu marginal
sort id item
list id item q x1 x2 x3 // same probability for the same individual; x1+x2+x3=1
// fix age at mean
su age, meanonly // average age
loca mean_age=r(mean)
// response: c2
loca c2m=exp(_coef[c2:age]*`mean_age'+_coef[c2:_cons])
loca c2f=exp(_coef[c2:age]*`mean_age'+_coef[c2:female]+_coef[c2:_cons])
loca diffc2=`c2f'-`c2m'
di "c2[OR_female - OR_male]=>" %5.3g `c2f' " -" %5.3g `c2m' " =" %5.3g `diffc2' // "OR" for odds ratio
// response: c3
loca c3m=exp(_coef[c3:age]*`mean_age'+_coef[c3:_cons])
loca c3f=exp(_coef[c3:age]*`mean_age'+_coef[c3:female]+_coef[c3:_cons])
loca diffc3=`cf'-`c3m'
di "c3[OR_female - OR_male]=>" %5.3g `c3f' " -" %5.3g `c3m' " =" %5.3g `diffc3' // "OR" for odds ratio
sort id item
gen patt=_n
expand 3 // triple number of cases
sort patt
rename q response // just to match help file
by patt, sort: gen alt=_n // create all three potential answers
gen chosen=response==alt // mark the case with the chosen answer
qui tab alt, gen(it)
eq i2: it2
eq i3: it3
gllamm alt age female,i(id) nrf(2) eqs(i2 i3) nip(4) expanded(patt chosen m) /*
*/ link(mlogit) family(binomial) trace // compare the random effects to the "naive" model
固定效应与上一个模型相同,但请注意现在多了两个随机效应参数。最后一个模型中的代码可以用来计算 的边际效应female
// fix age at mean
su age, meanonly
loca mean_age=r(mean)
// c2
loca c2m=exp(_coef[c2:age]*`mean_age' + _coef[c2:_cons])
loca c2f=exp(_coef[c2:age]*`mean_age' + _coef[c2:female]+_coef[c2:_cons])
loca diffc2=`c2f'-`c2m'
di "c2[OR_female - OR_male]=>" %5.3g `c2f' " -" %5.3g `c2m' " =" %5.3g `diffc2' // "OR"=>odds ratio
// c3
loca c3m=exp(_coef[c3:age]*`mean_age' + _coef[c3:_cons])
loca c3f=exp(_coef[c3:age]*`mean_age' + _coef[c3:female]+_coef[c3:_cons])
loca diffc3=`cf'-`c3m'
di "c3[OR_female - OR_male]=>" %5.3g `c3f' " -" %5.3g `c3m' " =" %5.3g `diffc3' // "OR"=>odds ratio