

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
import Data.Function
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Comonad

data BinTree a
    = Leaf a
    | Branch a (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
      deriving (Functor, Show, Eq)

data Dir = L | R
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- an incomplete binary tree, aka data context
data Partial a = Missing Dir (BinTree a) a
    deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)

-- BTZ for BinTree Zipper
newtype BTZ a = BTZ { getBTZ :: ([Partial a], BinTree a) }
    deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Functor BTZ where
    fmap f (BTZ (cs,t)) = BTZ (map (fmap f) cs, fmap f t)

-- | replace every node label with the zipper focusing on that node
dup :: BinTree a -> BinTree (BTZ a)
dup (Leaf v) = Leaf (BTZ ([], Leaf v))
dup t@(Branch v tl tr) = Branch (BTZ ([],t)) tlZ trZ
        tlZ = fmap (BTZ . first (++ [Missing L tr v]) . getBTZ) (dup tl)
        trZ = fmap (BTZ . first (++ [Missing R tl v]) . getBTZ) (dup tr)

-- | extract root label
rootVal :: BinTree a -> a
rootVal (Leaf v) = v
rootVal (Branch v _ _) = v

-- | move zipper focus around
goUp, goLeft, goRight :: BTZ a -> BTZ a

goUp (BTZ ([], _)) = error "already at root"
goUp (BTZ (Missing wt t2 v:xs, t1)) = case wt of
    L -> BTZ (xs, Branch v t1 t2)
    R -> BTZ (xs, Branch v t2 t1)

goLeft z = let (cs,t) = getBTZ z in
    case t of
      Leaf _ -> error "already at leaf"
      Branch v t1 t2 -> BTZ (Missing L t2 v:cs, t1)

goRight z = let (cs,t) = getBTZ z in
    case t of
      Leaf _ -> error "already at leaf"
      Branch v t1 t2 -> BTZ (Missing R t1 v:cs, t2)

instance Comonad BTZ where
    extract (BTZ (_,t)) =
        case t of
          Leaf v -> v
          Branch v _ _ -> v

    duplicate z@(BTZ (cs, bt)) = case bt of
        Leaf _ -> BTZ (csZ, Leaf z) -- extract . duplicate = id
        Branch v tl tr ->
            -- for each subtree, use "dup" to build zippers,
            -- and attach the current focusing root(bt) and rest of the data context to it
            let tlZ = fmap (BTZ . first (++Missing L tr v :cs) . getBTZ) (dup tl)
                trZ = fmap (BTZ . first (++Missing R tl v :cs) . getBTZ) (dup tr)
             in BTZ (csZ, Branch z tlZ trZ)
            -- go up and duplicate, we'll have a "BTZ (BTZ a)"
            -- from which we can grab "[Partial (BTZ a)]" out
            -- TODO: not sure if it works
            upZippers = take (length cs-1) . tail $ iterate goUp z
            csZ = fmap (head . fst . getBTZ . duplicate) upZippers

main :: IO ()
main = do
   let tr :: BTZ Int
       tr = rootVal $ dup (Branch 1 (Leaf 2) (Branch 3 (Leaf 4) (Leaf 5)))
       equalOnTr :: Eq a => (BTZ Int -> a) -> (BTZ Int -> a) -> Bool
       equalOnTr = (==) `on` ($ tr)
   print $ (extract . duplicate)      `equalOnTr` id
   print $ (fmap extract . duplicate) `equalOnTr` id
   print $ (duplicate . duplicate)    `equalOnTr` (fmap duplicate . duplicate)


  • BinTree a是二叉树数据类型,每个树节点都包含一个标签。
  • Partial a是具有左子树或右子树的二叉树。我的代码中的一堆Partial a 扮演着数据上下文的角色。
  • BTZ代表BinTree拉链,我想创建一个实例Comonad,它由数据上下文和聚焦子树组成。

为了使其成为 的实例Comonad,我的计划是实现extractand duplicate,并通过采用一些随机二叉树来验证共单属性是否成立。



对于duplicate z,节点标签必须是z它自己才能extract . duplicate == id成立。对于非叶节点,我dup习惯于处理它们的子树,就好像它们没有父节点一样,然后将当前焦点z和数据上下文的其余部分附加到这些拉链上。

到目前为止,前两个comonad 属性已满足(extract . duplicate = idfmap extract . duplicate),但我不知道如何处理数据上下文。我目前所做的就是拉上拉链z并继续往上走。在此过程中,我们采用每个数据上下文堆栈的顶部来构建新的数据上下文堆栈,这听起来是正确的,而且是正确的类型 ( [Partial (BTZ a)]。但是我的方法不能满足第三定律。

给定上面二叉树拉链的数据类型定义,是否可以使其成为 Comonad 的实例?如果答案是肯定的,那么我的方法有问题吗?


1 回答 1



您的类型以 zipper for subtreesBTZ的概念呈现。然而, zipper comonadic 结构适用于 zippers for elements:意思是“在此处给元素”;意思是“用它的上下文装饰每个元素”。所以你需要元素上下文。令人困惑的是,对于这些二叉树,元素拉链和子树拉链是同构的,但这是出于一个非常特殊的原因(即它们形成了一个 cofree 共单子)。extractduplicate

通常,元素拉链和子树拉链不同,例如,对于列表。如果我们从为列表构建 element-zipper comonad 开始,当我们回到树时,我们不太可能迷路。让我也尝试为他人和您自己填写更多的总体情况。


sublist的上下文[a]由 给出[a],是我们在从子列表到整个列表的途中经过的元素列表。[3,4]in的子列表上下文[1,2,3,4][2,1]。递归数据的子节点上下文始终是表示您在从节点到根的路径上看到的内容的列表。每个步骤的类型由一个数据节点的公式关于递归变量的偏导数给出。所以在这里

[a] = t where             -- t is the recursive variable standing for [a]
  t = 1 + a*t             -- lists of a are either [] or an (a : t) pair
∂/∂t (1 + a*t) = a        -- that's one step on a path from node to root
sublist contexts are [a]  -- a list of such steps

所以 sublist-zipper 是一对

data LinLZ a = LinLZ
  {  subListCtxt  :: [a]
  ,  subList      :: [a]


plugLinLZ :: LinLZ a -> [a]
plugLinLZ (LinLZ { subListCtxt = [],      subList = ys})  = ys
plugLinLZ (LinLZ { subListCtxt = x : xs,  subList = ys})
  = plugLinLZ (LinLZ { subListCtxt = xs,  subList = x : ys})

但是我们不能做LinLZa Comonad,因为(例如)来自

LinLZ { subListCtxt = [], subList = [] }

我们不能extract是一个元素(一个afrom LinLZ a),只能是一个子列表。



[a] = t where             -- t is the recursive variable standing for [a]
  t = 1 + a*t             -- lists of a are either [] or an (a : t) pair
∂/∂a (1 + a*t) = t = [a]  -- the context for the head element is the tail list


type DL a =
  (  [a]     -- the sublist context for the node where the element is
  ,  [a]     -- the tail of the node where the element is

并且通过将这样的上下文与元素“in the hole”配对来给出元素拉链。

data ZL a = ZL
  {  this :: a
  ,  between :: DL a
  }  deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)


outZL :: ZL a -> [a]
outZL (ZL { this = x, between = (zs, xs) })
  = plugLinLZ (LinLZ { subListCtxt = zs, subList = x : xs })



into :: [a] -> [ZL a]
into xs = moreInto (LinLZ { subListCtxt = [], subList = xs })


moreInto :: LinLZ a -> [ZL a]
moreInto (LinLZ { subListCtxt = _,   subList = [] })      = []
moreInto (LinLZ { subListCtxt = zs,  subList = x : xs })
  =  ZL { this = x, between = (zs, xs) } 
  :  moreInto (LinLZ { subListCtxt = x : zs,  subList = xs })

请注意,输出与 current 的形状相呼应subList。此外,x's 地方的拉链有 this = x. 此外,用于装饰的生成拉链xs具有subList = xs正确的上下文,记录我们已经移动过去x。测试,

into [1,2,3,4] =
  [  ZL {this = 1, between = ([],[2,3,4])}
  ,  ZL {this = 2, between = ([1],[3,4])}
  ,  ZL {this = 3, between = ([2,1],[4])}
  ,  ZL {this = 4, between = ([3,2,1],[])}


我们已经看到了如何从一个元素出来,或者进入一个可用的元素。comonadic 结构告诉我们如何在元素之间移动,要么留在我们所在的位置,要么移动到其他元素之一。

instance Comonad ZL where


  extract = this

对于duplicate拉链,我们将当前元素替换x为整个当前拉链zl(其this = x)...

  duplicate zl@(ZL { this = x, between = (zs, ys) }) = ZL
    {  this = zl


    ,  between =
         (  outward (LinLZ { subListCtxt = zs, subList = x : ys })
         ,  moreInto (LinLZ { subListCtxt = x : zs, subList = ys })


      outward (LinLZ { subListCtxt = [], subList = _ }) = []
      outward (LinLZ { subListCtxt = z : zs, subList = ys })
        =  ZL { this = z, between = (zs, ys) }
        :  outward (LinLZ { subListCtxt = zs, subList = z : ys })


duplicate ZL {this = 2, between = ([1],[3,4])}
  = ZL
  {  this = ZL {this = 2, between = ([1],[3,4])}
  ,  between =
     (  [  ZL {this = 1, between = ([],[2,3,4])}  ]
     ,  [  ZL {this = 3, between = ([2,1],[4])}
        ,  ZL {this = 4, between = ([3,2,1],[])}


因此,comonadic 结构向我们展示了如何在列表内的不同元素之间移动。sublist结构在查找元素所在的节点中起着关键作用,但拉链结构duplicated是一个元素拉链。



让我重构您的二叉树类型以显示一些结构。从字面上看,让我们将标记叶子或叉子的元素作为一个共同因素拉出来。让我们也分离出TF解释这种叶子或叉子树结构的函子 ( )。

data TF t = Leaf | Fork (t, t) deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)
data BT a = a :& TF (BT a) deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)


只要我们有每个节点都有一个标签和一个子结构块的结构,我们就有一个comonad:cofree comonad。让我再重构一点,抽象出TF...

data CoFree f a = a :& f (CoFree f a) deriving (Functor)


data TF t = Leaf | Fork (t, t) deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)
type BT = CoFree TF
deriving instance Show a => Show (BT a)
deriving instance Eq a => Eq (BT a)

现在,一劳永逸地,我们可以提供 cofree 共体结构。由于每个子树都有一个根元素,因此每个元素都可以用它所在的树来装饰。

instance Functor f => Comonad (CoFree f) where
  extract   (a :& _)     = a                         -- extract root element
  duplicate t@(a :& ft)  = t :& fmap duplicate ft    -- replace root element by whole tree


aTree =
  0 :& Fork
  (  1 :& Fork
     (  2 :& Leaf
     ,  3 :& Leaf
  ,  4 :& Leaf

duplicate aTree =
  (0 :& Fork (1 :& Fork (2 :& Leaf,3 :& Leaf),4 :& Leaf)) :& Fork
  (  (1 :& Fork (2 :& Leaf,3 :& Leaf)) :& Fork
     (  (2 :& Leaf) :& Leaf
     ,  (3 :& Leaf) :& Leaf
  ,  (4 :& Leaf) :& Leaf


列表不会产生 cofree 共单子,因为不是每个节点都有一个元素:具体来说,[]没有元素。在 cofree 共单子中,你所在的位置总有一个元素,你可以看到更深的树结构,但看不到更远的位置。




d/dt (TF t) = d/dt (1 + t*t) = 0 + (1*t + t*1)


type DTF t = Either ((), t) (t, ())


plugF :: t -> DTF t -> TF t
plugF  t  (Left   ((), r))  = Fork (t, r)
plugF  t  (Right  (l, ()))  = Fork (l, t)


type BTStep a = (a, DTF (BT a))


plugBTinBT :: BT a -> BTStep a -> BT a
plugBTinBT t (a, d) = a :& plugF t d

因此,一个子树上下文BT a由 给出[BTStep a]


data DBT a = DBT
  {  below  :: TF (BT a)    -- the rest of the element's node
  ,  above  :: [BTStep a]   -- the subtree context of the element's node
  }  deriving (Show, Eq)


instance Functor DBT where
  fmap f (DBT { above = a, below = b }) = DBT
    {  below = fmap (fmap f) b
    ,  above = fmap (f *** (either
         (Left   . (id *** fmap f))
         (Right  . (fmap f *** id)))) a  


data BTZ a = BTZ
  {  here  :: a
  ,  ctxt  :: DBT a
  }  deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)

如果你在想“什么是新的?”,你是对的。我们有一个子树上下文 ,above以及一个由here和给出的子树below。那是因为唯一的元素是那些标记节点的元素。将节点拆分为元素及其上下文与将其拆分为标签及其子结构块相同。也就是说,我们得到了 cofree 共胞的这种巧合,但不是一般的。

然而,这种巧合只是分心!正如我们在列表中看到的那样,我们不需要 element-zippers 与 subnode-zippers 相同来使 element-zippers 成为一个comonad。


down :: BT a -> BT (BTZ a)
down t = downIn t []

downIn :: BT a -> [BTStep a] -> BT (BTZ a)
downIn (a :& ft) ads =
  BTZ { here = a, ctxt = DBT { below = ft, above = ads } }
  :& furtherIn a ft ads

请注意,a替换为专注于 .zip 的拉链a。子树由另一个助手处理。

furtherIn :: a -> TF (BT a) -> [BTStep a] -> TF (BT (BTZ a))
furtherIn a Leaf           ads  = Leaf
furtherIn a (Fork (l, r))  ads  = Fork
  (  downIn l ((a, Left   ((), r)) : ads)
  ,  downIn r ((a, Right  (l, ())) : ads)

See thatfurtherIn保留了树结构,但在访问子树时会适当地增长子树上下文。


down aTree =
  BTZ {  here  = 0, ctxt = DBT {
         below = Fork (1 :& Fork (2 :& Leaf,3 :& Leaf),4 :& Leaf),
         above = []}} :& Fork
  (  BTZ {  here = 1, ctxt = DBT {
            below = Fork (2 :& Leaf,3 :& Leaf),
            above = [(0,Left ((),4 :& Leaf))]}} :& Fork
     (  BTZ {  here = 2, ctxt = DBT {
               below = Leaf,
               above = [(1,Left ((),3 :& Leaf)),(0,Left ((),4 :& Leaf))]}} :& Leaf
     ,  BTZ {  here = 3, ctxt = DBT {
               below = Leaf,
               above = [(1,Right (2 :& Leaf,())),(0,Left ((),4 :& Leaf))]}} :& Leaf
  ,  BTZ {  here = 4, ctxt = DBT {
            below = Leaf,
            above = [(0,Right (1 :& Fork (2 :& Leaf,3 :& Leaf),()))]}} :& Leaf)


二叉树拉链形成 Comonad


instance Comonad BTZ where
  extract = here


  duplicate z@(BTZ { here = a, ctxt = DBT { below = ft, above = ads }}) = BTZ
    {  here = z
    ,  ctxt = DBT
         {  below = furtherIn a ft ads  -- move somewhere below a
         ,  above = go_a (a :& ft) ads  -- go above a
    } where


    go_a t []          = []
    go_a t (ad : ads)  = go_ad t ad ads : go_a (plugBTinBT t ad) ads
    go_ad t (a, d) ads =
      (  BTZ { here = a, ctxt = DBT { below = plugF t d, above = ads } }  -- visit here
      ,  go_d t a d ads                                                   -- try other subtree


    go_d t a (Left ((), r)) ads = Left ((), downIn r ((a, Right (t, ())) : ads))
    go_d t a (Right (l, ())) ads = Right (downIn l ((a, Left ((), t)) : ads), ())



duplicate (BTZ {here = 1, ctxt = DBT {
                below = Fork (2 :& Leaf,3 :& Leaf),
                above = [(0,Left ((),4 :& Leaf))]}}) =
  BTZ {here = BTZ {here = 1, ctxt = DBT {
                   below = Fork (2 :& Leaf,3 :& Leaf),
                   above = [(0,Left ((),4 :& Leaf))]}}, ctxt = DBT {
       below = Fork (BTZ {here = 2, ctxt = DBT {
                          below = Leaf,
                          above = [(1,Left ((),3 :& Leaf)),(0,Left ((),4 :& Leaf))]}} :& Leaf
                    ,BTZ {here = 3, ctxt = DBT {
                          below = Leaf,
                          above = [(1,Right (2 :& Leaf,())),(0,Left ((),4 :& Leaf))]}} :& Leaf
       above = [(BTZ {here = 0, ctxt = DBT {
                      below = Fork (1 :& Fork (2 :& Leaf,3 :& Leaf),4 :& Leaf),
                      above = []}}
                ,Left ((),BTZ {here = 4, ctxt = DBT {
                               below = Leaf,
                               above = [(0,Right (1 :& Fork (2 :& Leaf,3 :& Leaf),()))]}} :& Leaf)


fmap (\ z -> extract (duplicate z) == z) (down aTree)
  = True :& Fork (True :& Fork (True :& Leaf,True :& Leaf),True :& Leaf)
fmap (\ z -> fmap extract (duplicate z) == z) (down aTree)
  = True :& Fork (True :& Fork (True :& Leaf,True :& Leaf),True :& Leaf)
fmap (\ z -> fmap duplicate (duplicate z) == duplicate (duplicate z)) (down aTree)
  = True :& Fork (True :& Fork (True :& Leaf,True :& Leaf),True :& Leaf)
于 2014-08-27T14:49:26.783 回答