I am trying to ssh (from windows) into my Openshift app using the 'rhc' command

rhc app-ssh <app name>

I have followed the Openshift instruction here:


Putty is returning the error "Putty Command Line Error: unknown option "-V" and then fails. My google searches indicate putty has a "-v" (lowercase) option for turning on Verbose. I'm not sure if it's one in the same.

If I use the Putty GUI everything works fine. I would like to figure out how to ssh into my openshift app using the command line.

How do I ssh into my openshift app using the 'rhc' command on windows?


4 回答 4

  • First you need to generate private and public key. You can use puttygen to do that.
  • Then you should import public key into your OpenShift account.
  • And then use private key with putty.

Here is detailed instruction with illustrations

于 2015-01-11T22:03:16.673 回答

Did you try running the rhc setup command first to see if everything is configured correctly?

于 2014-08-25T18:00:20.273 回答

It's a bug in RHC for windows. They fixed it in a forked version.

Bugzilla report

于 2014-10-20T23:06:01.763 回答

Did you try:

rhc ssh appname

Worked fine for me

于 2016-03-08T10:29:50.290 回答