I am currenlty reading the book Scala in Action and while reading I'm trying to do the programming exercises. However, I'm stuck now on chapter 6.3 where I have to use Scalaz.

The thing is, the http module of Scalaz 6.0.3 is used. In this chapter I should only be able to do a GET request and later the idea is to build upon the project and make it a little more complex.

The problem I'm facing is that, I'm using Scala 2.11.2, so when I try to use Scalaz 6.0.3, the dependency can not be found. I guess that is because 6.0.3 doesn't support Scala 2.11.2. So, I wish to use Scaalaz 7.0.1. However, the HTTP module doesn't exist in 7.0.1, so I can't even compile my project because I have statements like: import scalaz.http._.

Furthermore, in the code, some values like Request object, and Response object are not found because in the example code, as far as I see, they are imported from scalaz.http._.

So, basically, what I'm asking is, can anyone direct me to some kind of tutorial? Or at least direct me to a changelog where I can see where the objects are now located?

Thank you!


1 回答 1


来自github,在描述版本 7 中的更改时,它明确表示

scalaz.{http, geo}掉了。


于 2014-08-25T09:19:15.220 回答