/usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/key.lua:42: attempt to call upvalue 'press' (a string value)
第 42 行:
ret[#ret]:connect_signal("press", function(kobj, ...) press(...) end)
--- Create a new key to use as binding.
-- This function is useful to create several keys from one, because it will use
-- the ignore_modifier variable to create more key with or without the ignored
-- modifiers activated.
-- For example if you want to ignore CapsLock in your keybinding (which is
-- ignored by default by this function), creating key binding with this function
-- will return 2 key objects: one with CapsLock on, and the other one with
-- CapsLock off.
-- @see key
-- @return A table with one or several key objects.
function key.new(mod, _key, press, release)
local ret = {}
local subsets = util.subsets(ignore_modifiers)
for _, set in ipairs(subsets) do
ret[#ret + 1] = capi.key({ modifiers = util.table.join(mod, set),
key = _key })
if press then
ret[#ret]:connect_signal("press", function(kobj, ...) press(...) end)
if release then
ret[#ret]:connect_signal("release", function(kobj, ...) release(...) end)
return ret