我正在尝试从我的 ISOSYS 引导加载程序为我的 OS32 操作系统加载第二阶段引导加载程序,但我似乎做不到。CF 似乎总是被设置。这是从 CD/DVD 启动的,我使用的是 Debian GNU/Linux 7.6 (Wheezy)

这是 isosys.asm:

;               ISOSYS v1.0 in isosys.asm
; Program for booting OS32 and OS32-based systems from CD/DVDs
; using the ElTorito boot standard.
; By Omar, 2014
; ===============================================================

; set up bios...
bits 16
org 0x7c00

; beginning of sector 1, byte 0:

; jump over functions block
jmp Start

; Print()
;      prints a string to standard output
; AL = 0 : terminate

   lodsb            ; grab a byte from SI and place it in AL
   cmp al, 0         ; is AL = 0?
   jc PrintDone         ; yep, we're done so return
   mov ah, 0eh
   int 0x10         ; nope, print the character
   jmp Print         ; loop until no more characters to be printed
   ret            ; return to wherever we were!

; Start()
;      bootloader entry point

   mov si, creditmsg
   call Print         ; print the first message
   mov dh, 1         ; read 1 sector

   cli            ; disable interrupts
   push dx            ; push this stack value
   sti            ; re-enable interrupts

   mov ax, 0x1000         ; read sector into address 0x1000
   xor bx, bx         ; read sector into offset 0x0
   mov ah, 0x02         ; read sector function
   mov al, dh         ; read 1 sector
   mov ch, 0x0         ; must be 0x0 to read sector
   mov dh, 0         ; reading head 0
   mov cl, 0x02         ; start reading from sector 2 to load the second stage

   mov [CDDriveNumber], dl      ; store our drive number is variable CDDriveNumber
   cli            ; disable interrupts
   pusha            ; save the stack
   sti            ; enable interrupts

   int 0x13         ; INT 13h
   jc Error         ; handle error because Carry Flag is set

   pop dx            ; Restore DX

   ; now that our sector was loaded into address 0x1000:0x0, let's execute it!
   jmp 0x1000:0x0         ; jump to execute the sector
; Error()
;      handles errors when carry is set

   mov si, errmsg
   call Print         ; print an error message

   cli            ; disable interrupts to prevent problems
   hlt            ; halt the system... :(

; data section

creditmsg db "ISOSYS v1.0 by Omar Mohammad, Init...", 0
errmsg db "Cannot load the second stage. (File not found maybe?)", 0
CDDriveNumber db 0

times 2048 - ($-$$) db 0      ; fill in 2048 bytes with zeroes

; end of sector 1! :D Any more code here would take bytes 2048 and 2049 but we don't    need that...


bits 16
org 0x1000

   xor bx, bx
   mov ah, 0eh
   mov al, 'A'
   int 0x10


times 2048 - ($-$$) db 0

nasm -f bin isosys.asm -o ISOSYS我用然后编译nasm -f bin boot.asm -o BOOT 然后我做了mkdir iso然后cp ISOSYS iso/然后cp BOOT iso/生成了ISO: genisoimage -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -eltorito-boot ISOSYS -o boot.iso iso/

我在 VirtualBox 中运行它,但它说的是无法加载第二阶段(可能找不到文件?),这意味着设置了携带标志,但我似乎找不到错误。



1 回答 1


您的堆栈处理完全关闭。您将dx(为什么?)推入cli‥<code>sti 块(为什么?),然后pusha不要popa

在实际将段寄存器设置为您希望加载代码的位置mov es,ax之后,您还缺少一个。mov ax, 0x1000

您无法使用 CHS 功能 (AH=02h) 读取 ISO,您必须使用带有参数块的 LBA 功能 (AH=42h)。举个例子。

于 2014-12-24T02:32:58.503 回答