$.fn.customControl = function (options) {
var settings = $.extend({}, options);
return this.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var comboboxDatasource, listviewDatasource, menuDatasource; // as many controls you want to bind
$.each(settings.controls, function (index, value) {
switch (value.type) {
case "combobox":
comboboxDatasource = value.datasource;
var $combobox = "<input data-role='combobox' " +
" data-text-field='" + value.textField + "'" +
" data-value-field='" + value.valueField + "'" +
" data-bind='source: '" + value.datasource + "'," +
" events: {" +
" change: onChange," + //pass it in the custom control parameters if you want to have a custom event for the control
" }' />";
$this.append($combobox); // Appends a control to the DOM which can be later bound to data using MVVM kendo.observable
case "listview":
//Create listview and other controls as demo'ed for the combobox.
case "calendar":
case "menu":
//Create the kendo Observable object to bind the controls
var viewModel = kendo.observable({
comboboxDatasourceProperty: new kendo.data.DataSource({ //Fetch the datasource for each list control based on the parameters sent
transport: {
read: {
url: "url to datasource",
dataType: "dataType you want e.g. jsonp"
listviewDatasourceProperty: function () { },
menuDatasourceProperty: function () { }
// Bind the View to the div which contains all the other controls
kendo.bind($($this), viewModel);
}); // return this.each
}; //customControl
使用它的基本设置是在页面中创建一个实际上包含所有其他控件的 div
<div id="customControlDiv"></div>
在页面中您可以使用如下控件创建和绑定控件,如果您想将其绑定到 observable 中的刷新函数,则在刷新函数中编写以下代码
$("customControlDiv").customControl({ controls: [
{ type:'listview',id:'listviewID',datasource='path to datasource for listview',textField='text',valueField='id' }, //if you want to pass your datasource url, make a prop. and pass the url
{ type:'combobox',id:'comboboxID',datasource='path to datasource for combobox',textField='id',valueField='id' }, // which can be accessed in the plugin to fetch datasource
{ type:'calendar',:'calenderID',datasource='',textField='',valueField='' },
{ type:'menu',id:'menuID',datasource='path to datasource for menu',textField='text',valueField='id' }
希望这可以帮助 :)