I found an issue in WIX extension implementation.

Some WIX extension tags write rows to CreateFolder table, e.g. , , . As the official MSI document says, a patch can be Not uninstallable if it contains new rows in the CreateFolder table. I think such extensions can be implemented without the usage of the CreateFolder table. It's really bad to block patch uninstall just because the usage of these extensions. There is a screenshot which shows my CreateFolder table in Orca.exe.

Is this a known issue in WIX? Will future versions fix this issue?

Please refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa372102(v=vs.85).aspx for more information about Not Uninstallable Patch.


1 回答 1


KeyPath :此值指向属于安装程序用于检测组件的组件的文件或文件夹。它在 MSI 的 CreateFolder 中创建条目,因为 KeyPath 在组件级别提供,它将安装文件夹作为其密钥,因此您的补丁变得不可卸载。

在对该组件最重要的组件文件之一提供 KeyPath。因此,它不会进入 MSI 的 CreatFolder 表,并且您的补丁变得可卸载。

于 2015-04-23T06:16:59.083 回答