Using Xcode 6 beta 6 developing an iOS application that is universal application. I am facing an issue with connecting IBOutlets and using universal storyboards. If i am using "w any h any" configuration then i am not able to design two different interfaces for iPhone and iPad. if i design using different configurations i.e "w compact h regular" for iPhone and "w regular h regular" for iPad then i am able to design two different interfaces but not able to connect Same IBoutlet to both of them. If i connect it to iPhone configuration i.e "w compact h regular" first it runs smooth but as soon as i connect it to iPad configuration i.e "w regular h regular" then the connection with iPhone get disconnected automatically. Pls help me out i am not able to get a solution i have searched a lot on google but couldn't find anything as not many resources are available on this.
EDIT If i connect IBOutlets to the view in "w any h any" configuration and then switch to iPhone configuration and add constraints there storyboard displays some errors like conflicting constraints. Pls see the image
This is for iPhone configuration after connecting the outlets in "w any h any" and adding constraints in iPhone configuration