Here is a function that get the translation from google translate and return the result:
QString QGoogleTranslate::translate(const QString &keyword, const QString &from, const QString &to)
//Locate the translation in the map
QMap<QString, QPair<QString, QString> >::iterator itr = translations.find(keyword);
if(itr != translations.end())
if(itr.value().first == to) {
result = itr.value().second;
return result;
//Translate URL
QString url = QString("").arg(keyword).arg(to).arg(from);
QNetworkAccessManager manager;
QNetworkRequest request(url);
QNetworkReply *reply = manager.get(request);
//Get reply from Google
} while (!reply->isFinished());
//Convert to string
result = reply->readAll();
//Free memory
delete reply;
//Remove [[[" from the beginning
result = result.replace("[[[\"", "");
//Extract final translated string
result = result.mid(0, result.indexOf(",\"") - 1);
//Add the translation to the map so we don't need to make another web request for a translation
translations[keyword] = QPair<QString, QString>(to, result);
return result;
But as you see there's a do while loop
that stops application until reply->isFinished()
, and when I use SIGNAL(finished())
from QNetworkReply
instead of do while loop
, that's not gonna work!
How can I do that without any interruption?