使用 Dojo 1.9.3 和 Gridx 1.0 版。(声明式和程序化)
我试图在我的 UName 列中的每个用户名单元格上添加一个工具提示,它将显示该行中姓氏和名字的值。目的:我想隐藏名字和姓氏列以创建空间。聪明吧?好吧,如果我只知道如何。
我正在学习 JS 和 dojo。到目前为止,网格正在填充并且按钮工作正常。快速小提琴:http: //jsfiddle.net/ysabz/17v7po76/
userColumns = [
{id:'uuid', field: 'uuid', name: 'User UUID', width: 'auto'},
{id:'user_name', field: 'user_name', name: 'UName', width: '7%',
**// I think I need to add a function call that will get the row Index with mouseOver
etc..Just not sure how to go about dong this.**
{id:'first_name', field: 'first_name', name: 'FName', width: '0px'},
{id:'last_name', field: 'last_name', name: 'LName', width: '0px'},
{id:'start_date', field: 'start_date', name: 'Start', width: '0px'},
{id:'end_date', field: 'end_date', name: 'End', width: '10%'},
{id:'subj_info', field: 'subj_info', name: 'Subject Info', width: 'auto'},
{id:'issuer_info', field: 'issuer_info', name: 'Issuer Info',width: 'auto'},
{id:'UpdateBtn', field: 'action', name: '', width: '6%', widgetsInCell: true,
decorator: function(){
return "<button data-dojo-type='dijit/form/Button' data-dojo-props=
iconClass:'dijitIconEdit' " + "data-dojo-attach-point='btn'>Update</button>";
// setCellValue call etc....
userGrid = new Grid({
id: 'userGrid',
cacheClass: Cache,
store: userStore,
structure: userColumns,
modules: [Resizer, Sort, Pagination, Filter, Bar,
"gridx/modules/Edit", "gridx/modules/select/Row", "gridx/modules/select/Cell",
]}, 'usersNode'),