我正在将现有应用程序移植到 Flux,但我对一个主题有点困惑。假设我有几个返回两级或三级嵌套对象的 API 端点。

例如,GET /articles可能会返回 schema 的 JSON 响应

articles: article*

article: {
  author: user,
  likers: user*
  primary_collection: collection?
  collections: collection*

collection: {
  curator: user


  • articles[i].author
  • articles[i].likers[i]
  • articles[i].primaryCollection.curator
  • articles[i].collections[i].curator

如果我想在UserStore获取文章时使用新数据进行更新,我必须编写一个可怕的方法来检查文章 API 响应中的所有嵌套实体。此外,还会有很多重复,因为还有其他 API 端点具有不同的模式,有时文章会嵌入到用户内部(例如GET /user/published)。

Flux 商店是否有一种更简洁的方法可以从所有 API 响应中提取嵌套实体?


1 回答 1


Jing Chen (Flux 的创建者和传播者之一)建议的一种方法是在 API 响应到达 Store 之前将其展平。我写了一个小型库来做到这一点:它规范化

  id: 1,
  title: 'Some Article',
  author: {
    id: 1,
    name: 'Dan'
}, {
  id: 2,
  title: 'Other Article',
  author: {
    id: 1,
    name: 'Dan'

  result: [1, 2],
  entities: {
    articles: {
      1: {
        id: 1,
        title: 'Some Article',
        author: 1
      2: {
        id: 2,
        title: 'Other Article',
        author: 1
    users: {
      1: {
        id: 1,
        name: 'Dan'



  • 将实体嵌套在其他实体、对象和数组中
  • 结合实体模式来表达任何类型的 API 响应
  • 自动合并具有相同 ID 的实体(如果它们不同,则会发出警告)
  • 使用自定义 ID 属性(例如 slug)

要使用它,您需要定义实体和嵌套规则并使用它们来转换 JSON:

var normalizr = require('normalizr'),
    normalize = normalizr.normalize,
    Schema = normalizr.Schema,
    arrayOf = normalizr.arrayOf;

// First, define a schema:

var article = new Schema('articles'),
    user = new Schema('users'),
    collection = new Schema('collections');

// Define nesting rules:

  author: user,
  collections: arrayOf(collection)

  curator: user

// Usage:

// Normalize articles
var articlesJSON = getArticleArray(),
    normalized = normalize(articlesJSON, arrayOf(article));

// Normalize users
var usersJSON = getUsersArray(),
    normalized = normalize(usersJSON, arrayOf(user));

// Normalize single article
var articleJSON = getArticle(),
    normalized = normalize(articleJSON, article);

这允许您在将任何 XHR 响应传递给 Flux Dispatcher 之前对其进行规范化。商店只需要从相应的字典中更新自己:

// UserStore

UserStore.dispatchToken = AppDispatcher.register(function (payload) {
  var action = payload.action;

  switch (action.type) {
  // you can add any normalized API here since that contains users:
  case ActionTypes.RECEIVE_ARTICLES:
  case ActionTypes.RECEIVE_USERS:

    // Users will always be gathered in action.entities.users
    mergeInto(_users, action.entities.users);

// ArticleStore

AppDispatcher.register(function (payload) {
  var action = payload.action;

  switch (action.type) {
  // you can add any normalized API here since that contains articles:
  case ActionTypes.RECEIVE_ARTICLES:

    // Wait for UserStore to digest users

    // Articles will always be gathered in action.entities.articles
    mergeInto(_articles, action.entities.articles);
于 2014-08-20T15:50:19.173 回答