软件:AutoCAD 2012(日语)
系统:MS Windows 7(日语)
我制作了一个.LSP 文件,它定义了一个新函数“C:MAKEATABLE”。
它要求用户选择一个 .CSV 文件,然后将其数据导入在 AutoCAD 中打开的图形文件。.CSV 文件有两列:
- 序列号(整数)
- 数据(实数)
.CSV 文件的最后一行是“EOF”。
现在,我的问题是,每当我加载该 .LSP 文件并调用我的函数时,结果并不总是相同的。有时这些值会以所需的方式完美显示;但很多时候,这些值看起来很混乱。值出现混乱的方式有三种。
- 我尝试重新启动应用程序以及 PC,但无济于事。
- 我已将所有变量声明为本地变量,以免它们受到干扰。
这是完整的代码: Pastebin 链接也可用
(defun c:makeatable ( / filename csvfile startpt data rdline digits lineno currentpt datapt datarelpt baserelpt indexbasept temp2 temp3 temp4 temp5 wide1 wide2 rowheight txtheight tempvar tmps)
(setq filename (getfiled "Data File" "C:/Temp/drawings/" "csv" 128)) ;prompt user to open the file containing the data
(setq csvfile (open filename "r")) ;open the file to read its contents
(setq startpt (getpoint "\n Table insertion point: ")) ;prompt user to choose the insertion point
;------------;prompt user to input the parameters; if nil, default value is set;--------------------------;
;** This code is useful when default values are needed, so that the user doesn't have to enter them. **;
;** If the values appear jumbled, kindly run the program again with appropriate values. **;
;** **;
(initget (+ 2 4))
(if (not(setq txtheight (getreal "\n Enter Text height: ")))
(setq txtheight 4.0)
(initget (+ 2 4))
(if (not(setq wide1 (getreal "\n Enter first column width: ")))
(setq wide1 15.0)
(initget (+ 2 4))
(if (not(setq wide2 (getreal "\n Enter second column width: ")))
(setq wide2 30.0)
(initget (+ 2 4))
(if (not(setq rowheight (getreal "\n Enter Row height: ")))
(setq rowheight 7.0)
(setq lineno 1) ;this var stores the line at which the program is currently at
(setq digits 0) ;this var stores the (number of digits - 1) of the index
(setq currentpt startpt) ;initialize currentpt
;-------*------temporary variables for the arrangement of the data------*-------;
(setq temp2 (/ (+ rowheight txtheight) 2))
(setq temp3 (+ wide1 (* txtheight 2)))
(setq temp4 (+ wide1 (/ wide2 5)))
(setq temp5 (- wide1 (/ wide1 20)))
(setq tempvar (list 0 (* -1 rowheight) 0))
(setq datarelpt (list temp4 temp2 0)) ;these are relative points;
(setq baserelpt (list temp5 temp2 0))
;------------------------------;while loop;-------------------------------------;
(while (/= rdline "EOF")
(cond ((> lineno 9) ;check the number of ;
(setq digits 1) ;digits in the index ;
((> lineno 99)
(setq digits 2)
);end cond
(setq datapt (mapcar '+ ;these lines ;
currentpt ;set the coordinates ;
datarelpt ;for the data ;
) ; ;
(setq indexbasept (mapcar '+ ;these lines ;
currentpt ;set the coordinates ;
baserelpt ;for the index ;
) ; ;
(setq rdline (read-line csvfile)) ;read a line from the CSV file
(setq data (substr rdline (+ 3 digits)));extract the data from the read line
(setq tmp (command "STYLE" "MONO" "MONOTXT" "" "" "" "" "" "")) ;makes the text monospace
;-----------------------------printing the values-----------------------;
(command "text" datapt txtheight 0 data) ;write the data
(command "text" "_j" "_r" indexbasept txtheight 0 lineno) ;write the index number
(setq lineno (1+ lineno)) ;increment line number
(setq currentpt (mapcar '+ ;increment the ;
currentpt ;current point ;
tempvar ;coordinates ;
) ; ;
;------------------------------;while loop ends;------------------------------------;
(entdel (entlast)) ;to remove the extra index number printed at the end
(close csvfile) ;close the opened file
(princ) ;clean exit
我什至检查了插入文本的点 [使用(princ datapt)
and (princ indexbasept)
],发现它们没问题。但是,当 AutoCAD 在屏幕上创建这些文本对象时,它们会占据相同的位置并变得混乱。