这篇博客文章提供了一个 VBA 宏脚本,它将把每张有动画的幻灯片分成多张幻灯片,而不会将原始幻灯片保留在展开的幻灯片前面(就像这个答案中的情况一样)。
Private AnimVisibilityTag As String
Sub ExpandAnimations()
AnimVisibilityTag = "AnimationExpandVisibility"
Dim pres As Presentation
Dim Slidenum As Integer
Set pres = ActivePresentation
Slidenum = 1
Do While Slidenum <= pres.Slides.Count
Dim s As Slide
Dim animationCount As Integer
Set s = pres.Slides.Item(Slidenum)
If s.TimeLine.MainSequence.Count > 0 Then
Set s = pres.Slides.Item(Slidenum)
PrepareSlideForAnimationExpansion s
animationCount = expandAnimationsForSlide(pres, s)
animationCount = 1
End If
Slidenum = Slidenum + animationCount
End Sub
Private Sub PrepareSlideForAnimationExpansion(s As Slide)
' Set visibility tags on all shapes
For Each oShape In s.Shapes
oShape.Tags.Add AnimVisibilityTag, "true"
Next oShape
' Find initial visibility of each shape
For animIdx = s.TimeLine.MainSequence.Count To 1 Step -1
Dim seq As Effect
Set seq = s.TimeLine.MainSequence.Item(animIdx)
On Error GoTo UnknownEffect
For behaviourIdx = seq.Behaviors.Count To 1 Step -1
Dim behavior As AnimationBehavior
Set behavior = seq.Behaviors.Item(behaviourIdx)
If behavior.Type = msoAnimTypeSet Then
If behavior.SetEffect.Property = msoAnimVisibility Then
If behavior.SetEffect.To <> 0 Then
seq.Shape.Tags.Delete AnimVisibilityTag
seq.Shape.Tags.Add AnimVisibilityTag, "false"
seq.Shape.Tags.Delete AnimVisibilityTag
seq.Shape.Tags.Add AnimVisibilityTag, "true"
End If
End If
End If
Next behaviourIdx
On Error GoTo 0
Next animIdx
Exit Sub
MsgBox ("Encountered an error while calculating object visibility: " + Err.Description)
Resume NextSequence
End Sub
Private Function expandAnimationsForSlide(pres As Presentation, s As Slide) As Integer
Dim numSlides As Integer
numSlides = 1
' Play the animation back to determine visibility
Do While True
' Stop when animation is over or we hit a click trigger
If s.TimeLine.MainSequence.Count <= 0 Then Exit Do
Dim fx As Effect
Set fx = s.TimeLine.MainSequence.Item(1)
If fx.Timing.TriggerType = msoAnimTriggerOnPageClick Then Exit Do
' Play the animation
PlayAnimationEffect fx
' Make a copy of the slide and recurse
If s.TimeLine.MainSequence.Count > 0 Then
s.TimeLine.MainSequence.Item(1).Timing.TriggerType = msoAnimTriggerWithPrevious
Dim nextSlide As Slide
Set nextSlide = s.Duplicate.Item(1)
numSlides = 1 + expandAnimationsForSlide(pres, nextSlide)
End If
' Apply visibility
rescan = True
While rescan
rescan = False
For n = 1 To s.Shapes.Count
If s.Shapes.Item(n).Tags.Item(AnimVisibilityTag) = "false" Then
rescan = True
Exit For
End If
Next n
' Clear all tags
For Each oShape In s.Shapes
oShape.Tags.Delete AnimVisibilityTag
Next oShape
' Remove animation (since they've been expanded now)
While s.TimeLine.MainSequence.Count > 0
expandAnimationsForSlide = numSlides
End Function
Private Sub assignColor(ByRef varColor As ColorFormat, valueColor As ColorFormat)
If valueColor.Type = msoColorTypeScheme Then
varColor.SchemeColor = valueColor.SchemeColor
varColor.RGB = valueColor.RGB
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PlayAnimationEffect(fx As Effect)
On Error GoTo UnknownEffect
For n = 1 To fx.Behaviors.Count
Dim behavior As AnimationBehavior
Set behavior = fx.Behaviors.Item(n)
Select Case behavior.Type
Case msoAnimTypeSet
' Appear or disappear
If behavior.SetEffect.Property = msoAnimVisibility Then
If behavior.SetEffect.To <> 0 Then
fx.Shape.Tags.Delete AnimVisibilityTag
fx.Shape.Tags.Add AnimVisibilityTag, "true"
fx.Shape.Tags.Delete AnimVisibilityTag
fx.Shape.Tags.Add AnimVisibilityTag, "false"
End If
' Log the problem
End If
Case msoAnimTypeColor
' Change color
If fx.Shape.HasTextFrame Then
Dim range As TextRange
Set range = fx.Shape.TextFrame.TextRange
assignColor range.Paragraphs(fx.Paragraph).Font.Color, behavior.ColorEffect.To
End If
Case Else
' Log the problem
End Select
Next n
Exit Sub
MsgBox ("Encountered an error expanding animations: " + Err.Description)
Exit Sub
End Sub