我读到 Swi Prolog IDE - Eclipse - 在 Linux(Ubuntu) 中是可能的。但是我无法让安装的 Eclipse '使用' swi Prolog。请帮忙


3 回答 3


Prolog Development Tools (ProDT) is a Prolog Integrated Development Environment (IDE) aiming to be as rich in functionality as the Eclipse's java IDE, giving the developer a single environment where it can control the development of a Prolog project from code edition, test execution, etc...

This project stands on top of Eclipse's projects to take advantage of its already existent features and its extensibility and works on any environment Eclipse works including windows, linux and mac OSX.

It support as underlying interpreters: SWI-prolog, XSB prolog, B-prolog

The site has more information about the project including installation and features list: http://prodevtools.sourceforge.net/

Hope you can find it useful!!! :)

于 2010-09-04T05:11:31.357 回答

我听说过Amzi!适用于 linux 环境,你可以试试这个http://www.amzi.com/download/prolog_download_sites.htm但我不确定它是否有预期的结果。祝你好运!

于 2010-06-04T19:35:47.490 回答

如果有人只想在 ubuntu 中使用 swi 编译程序。使用命令使用终端:

$swip <file name>
于 2012-04-11T08:02:02.020 回答