我一直在使用 Spring 的多部分上传器控制器来上传和存储压缩文件中的条目,但我发现偶尔的 PNG 文件已损坏,而不是以字节 [] 中的“PNG ...”之类的开头,而是开始用“fþ»ÀÃgÞÉ”或类似的词。这似乎发生在每次运行的相同文件上。我使用 java.util.ZipEntry 尝试了所有这些,然后我尝试了 Apache Compress,发现 Apache 将损坏的不同文件压缩到 Java 7 实用程序,但在随后的运行中总是相同的文件。
代码(首先是 java.util.zip.ZipEntry):
protected void processZipFile(String path, MultipartFile file, String signature) throws IOException {
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddhhmmss");
File tempFile = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/" + file.getName() + df.format(new Date()));
ZipFile zipFile = null;
try {
zipFile = new ZipFile(tempFile);
LOG.debug("Processing archive with name={}, size={}.", file.getName(), file.getSize());
final Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries();
while ( entries.hasMoreElements() )
ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
LOG.debug("Processing file={} is directory?={}.", entry.getName(), entry.isDirectory());
// we don't bother processing directories, and we don't process any resource fork info
// from Mac OS X (which does not seem to be transparent to ZipFile).
if (!(entry.isDirectory() || entry.getName().contains("__MACOSX") || entry.getName().contains(".DS_Store"))) {
// if the entry is a file, extract it
Content contentToSave = null;
if(entry.getName().contains("gif") || entry.getName().contains("png") || entry.getName().contains("jpeg")) {
byte[] bytes = readInputStream( zipFile.getInputStream( entry ), entry.getSize() );
LOG.debug("{} is of inflated-length={} from compressed-length={}",
entry.getName(), bytes.length, entry.getCompressedSize());
if(entry.getName().contains("gif")) {
contentToSave = Content.makeImage(path + entry.getName(), Content.GIF, signature, bytes);
} else if (entry.getName().contains("png")) {
contentToSave = Content.makeImage(path + entry.getName(), Content.PNG, signature, bytes);
} else if (entry.getName().contains("jpeg")) {
contentToSave = Content.makeImage(path + entry.getName(), Content.JPEG, signature, bytes);
} else {
InputStream is = zipFile.getInputStream(entry);
if (entry.getName().contains("json")) {
contentToSave = Content.makeFile(path + entry.getName(), Content.JSON, signature, convertStreamToString(is));
} else if (entry.getName().contains("js")) {
contentToSave = Content.makeFile(path + entry.getName(), Content.JS, signature, convertStreamToString(is));
} else if (entry.getName().contains("css")) {
contentToSave = Content.makeFile(path + entry.getName(), Content.CSS, signature, convertStreamToString(is));
} else if (entry.getName().contains("xml")) {
contentToSave = Content.makeFile(path + entry.getName(), Content.XML, signature, convertStreamToString(is));
} else if (entry.getName().contains("html")) {
contentToSave = Content.makeFile(path + entry.getName(), Content.HTML, signature, convertStreamToString(is));
LOG.info("Persisted file: {} from uploaded version.", contentToSave.getName());
} catch (ZipException e) {
// If I can't create a ZipFile, then this is not a zip file at all and it cannot be processed
// by this method. Its pretty dumb that there's no way to determine whether the contents are zipped through
// the ZipFile API, but that's just one of its many problems.
LOG.error("{} is not a zipped file, or it is empty", file.getName());
} finally {
zipFile = null;
现在对于 org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.zip.ZipFile 也是一样的:
protected void processZipFile(String path, MultipartFile file, String signature) throws IOException {
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddhhmmss");
File tempFile = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/" + file.getName() + df.format(new Date()));
ZipFile zipFile = null;
try {
zipFile = new ZipFile(tempFile);
LOG.debug("Processing archive with name={}, size={}.", file.getName(), file.getSize());
final Enumeration<? extends ZipArchiveEntry> entries = zipFile.getEntries();
while ( entries.hasMoreElements() ) {
ZipArchiveEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
LOG.debug("Processing file={} is directory?={}.", entry.getName(), entry.isDirectory());
// we don't bother processing directories, and we don't process any resource fork info
// from Mac OS X (which does not seem to be transparent to ZipFile).
if (!(entry.isDirectory() || entry.getName().contains("__MACOSX") || entry.getName().contains(".DS_Store"))) {
// if the entry is a file, extract it
Content contentToSave = null;
if(entry.getName().contains("gif") || entry.getName().contains("png") || entry.getName().contains("jpeg")) {
byte[] bytes = readInputStream( zipFile.getInputStream( entry ), entry.getSize() );
LOG.debug("{} is of inflated-length={} from compressed-length={}",
entry.getName(), bytes.length, entry.getCompressedSize());
if(entry.getName().contains("gif")) {
contentToSave = Content.makeImage(path + entry.getName(), Content.GIF, signature, bytes);
} else if (entry.getName().contains("png")) {
contentToSave = Content.makeImage(path + entry.getName(), Content.PNG, signature, bytes);
} else if (entry.getName().contains("jpeg")) {
contentToSave = Content.makeImage(path + entry.getName(), Content.JPEG, signature, bytes);
} else {
InputStream is = zipFile.getInputStream(entry);
if (entry.getName().contains("json")) {
contentToSave = Content.makeFile(path + entry.getName(), Content.JSON, signature, convertStreamToString(is));
} else if (entry.getName().contains("js")) {
contentToSave = Content.makeFile(path + entry.getName(), Content.JS, signature, convertStreamToString(is));
} else if (entry.getName().contains("css")) {
contentToSave = Content.makeFile(path + entry.getName(), Content.CSS, signature, convertStreamToString(is));
} else if (entry.getName().contains("xml")) {
contentToSave = Content.makeFile(path + entry.getName(), Content.XML, signature, convertStreamToString(is));
} else if (entry.getName().contains("html")) {
contentToSave = Content.makeFile(path + entry.getName(), Content.HTML, signature, convertStreamToString(is));
LOG.info("Persisted file: {} from uploaded version.", contentToSave.getName());
} catch (ZipException e) {
LOG.error("{} is not a zipped file, or it is empty", file.getName());
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("{} is not a file, or it is empty", file.getName());
} finally {
zipFile = null;
private static byte[] readInputStream( final InputStream is, final long length ) throws IOException {
final byte[] buf = new byte[ (int) length ];
int read = 0;
int cntRead;
while ( ( cntRead = is.read( buf, 0, buf.length ) ) >=0 )
read += cntRead;
return buf;
public String convertStreamToString(InputStream is) throws IOException {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(2048);
char[] read = new char[128];
try (InputStreamReader ir = new InputStreamReader(is, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
for (int i; -1 != (i = ir.read(read)); sb.append(read, 0, i));
// need to remove the ? at teh beginning of some files. This comes from the UTF8 BOM
// that is added to some files saved as UTF8
String out = sb.toString();
String utf8Bom = new String(new char[]{'\ufeff'});
if(out.contains(utf8Bom)) {
out = out.replace(utf8Bom,"");
return out;
我重新编辑了一些图像,发现如果我将图像更改为黑白,或者更改整个图像的色调,问题就会消失,但如果我添加边框或更改单一颜色,问题仍然存在。看起来某些文件中的特定字节排列会在 Java 自己的和 Apache 的压缩文件阅读器使用的任何底层 API 中引起错误,但这只是猜测。
编辑:其他用法表明损坏发生在大小超过 10K 的 gif 中,所以这可能与错误有关?我曾尝试在调用 ReadInputStream() 时将缓冲区的大小任意加倍,但除了在特别大的图像中溢出 MySQL 中的 blob 大小(49K 变成 98K,这太大了)之外,它什么也没做。
com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'encoded_content' at row 1