我正在尝试为 Google Chrome 创建 QA 自动化,以模拟点击并接收选项卡按钮上的点击事件。
我正在使用IAccessible接口和AccessibleChildren API来获取完整的可访问元素树。
当使用 AccExplorer 2.0 查看树时 - 它看起来很棒(见最后的图片)。
但是我的程序只显示了部分树,并且名称与我在 AccExplorer 上看到的不匹配。
- 铬 37 测试版
- 赢 7 64 位
这是我程序的源代码(C++):( 类似于 MSDN 示例)
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int i=0;
HWND hWndChrome = NULL;
hWndChrome = (HWND)0x000702c0;
wcout << L"\n\nChrome_WidgetWin_1 = "<< hex << hWndChrome << "\n--------------------------";
CComPtr<IAccessible> pAccMain;
::AccessibleObjectFromWindow(hWndChrome, OBJID_CLIENT, IID_IAccessible, (void**)(&pAccMain));
WalkTreeWithAccessibleChildren(pAccMain, 0);
return 0;
HRESULT WalkTreeWithAccessibleChildren(__in CComPtr<IAccessible> pAcc, __in int depth)
long childCount = 0;
long returnCount = 0;
HRESULT hr = pAcc->get_accChildCount(&childCount);
if (childCount == 0)
return S_FALSE;
CComVariant* pArray = new CComVariant[childCount];
hr = ::AccessibleChildren(pAcc, 0L, childCount, pArray, &returnCount);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
// Iterate through children.
for (int x = 0; x < returnCount; x++)
CComVariant vtChild = pArray[x];
// If it's an accessible object, get the IAccessible, and recurse.
if (vtChild.vt == VT_DISPATCH)
CComPtr<IDispatch> pDisp = vtChild.pdispVal;
CComQIPtr<IAccessible> pAccChild = pDisp;
if (!pAccChild)
// Print current accessible element
wcout << endl;
for (int y = 0; y < depth; y++) wcout << L" ";
wcout << L"* " << GetName(pAccChild, CHILDID_SELF).data() << L" | " << GetRole(pAccChild, CHILDID_SELF).data() << L" (Object)";
WalkTreeWithAccessibleChildren(pAccChild, depth + 1);
// Else it's a child element so we have to call accNavigate on the parent,
// and we do not recurse because child elements can't have children.
// Print current accessible element
wcout << endl;
for (int y = 0; y < depth; y++) wcout << L" ";
wcout << L"* " << GetName(pAcc, vtChild.lVal).data() << L" | " << GetRole(pAcc, vtChild.lVal).data() << " (Child)";
delete[] pArray;
return S_OK;
wstring GetName(__in CComPtr<IAccessible> pAcc, __in CComVariant varChild)
if (!pAcc)
return L"";
CComBSTR bstrName;
HRESULT hr = pAcc->get_accName(varChild, &bstrName);
if (FAILED(hr))
return L"";
if (!bstrName.m_str)
return L"<NULL>";
return bstrName.m_str;
wstring GetRole(__in CComPtr<IAccessible> pAcc, __in CComVariant varChild)
if (!pAcc)
return L"";
CComVariant varRoleID;
HRESULT hr = pAcc->get_accRole(varChild, &varRoleID);
if (FAILED(hr))
return L"";
WCHAR sRoleBuff[1024] = {0};
hr = ::GetRoleText(varRoleID.lVal, sRoleBuff, 1024);
if (FAILED(hr))
return L"";
return sRoleBuff;
Chrome_WidgetWin_1 = 000702C0
* Chrome Legacy Window | window (Object)
* System | menu bar (Object)
* <NULL> | title bar (Object)
* IME | push button (Child)
* Minimize | push button (Child)
* Maximize | push button (Child)
* Context help | push button (Child)
* Close | push button (Child)
* Application | menu bar (Object)
* Chrome Legacy Window | client (Object)
// -----> { there should be a big sub-tree here } <----- //
* Vertical | scroll bar (Object)
* Line up | push button (Child)
* Page up | push button (Child)
* Position | indicator (Child)
* Page down | push button (Child)
* Line down | push button (Child)
* Horizontal | scroll bar (Object)
* Column left | push button (Child)
* Page left | push button (Child)
* Position | indicator (Child)
* Page right | push button (Child)
* Column right | push button (Child)
* <NULL> | grip (Object)
Here is an AccExplorer screenshot showing the full tree: (some nodes are collapsed)
When Using OBJID_WINDOW instead OBJID_WINDOW (as in the example, in AccessibleObjectFromWindow) - I get a tree with more nodes, but still I can't see the tab elements.