任务是在创建银行账户时使用继承创建不同的类。然后我们存款、取款和报告余额。我有 4 节课:
public class BankAccount {
String firstName;
String lastName;
String ssn;
protected float balance;
float withdraw;
float deposit;
long accountNumber;
BankAccount (){
BankAccount(String firstName, String lastName, String ssn, float balance){
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.ssn = ssn;
this.balance = balance;
long accountNumber() {
long accountNumber = (long) Math.floor(Math.random() * 9000000000L) + 1000000000L;
return accountNumber;
public void deposit(float amount) {
balance = balance + amount;
System.out.println(firstName + " " + lastName + " deposited $" + deposit + ". Current Balance $" + balance);
public void withdraw(float amount) {
if (balance >= withdraw) {
balance = balance - amount;
System.out.println(firstName + " " + lastName + " withdrew $" + withdraw + ". Current Balance $" + balance);
if (balance < withdraw) {
System.out.println("Unable to withdraw " + amount + " for " + firstName + " " + lastName + " due to insufficient funds.");
public class CheckingAccount extends BankAccount {
float amtInterest;
float applyInterest;
String displayBalance;
public CheckingAccount() {
public CheckingAccount(String firstName, String lastName, String ssn, float balance) {
super(firstName, lastName, ssn, balance);
System.out.println("Successfully created account for " + firstName + " " + lastName + " " + accountNumber);
System.out.println(firstName + " " + lastName + ", Balance $" + balance);
float applyInterest () {
if (balance <= 10000) {
balance = balance * 0.1f;
if (balance > 10000) {
balance = 1000 + (balance * 0.02f);
return balance;
float displayBalance() {
return balance;
我省略了 SavingsAccount 子类,因为我可以在你们在这两个类上给我的帮助下调整该类。
Successfully created account for Alin Parker 0 //Not displaying a random account number (1)
Alin Parker, Balance $1000.0
Successfully created account for Mary Jones 0
Mary Jones, Balance $500.0
Successfully created account for John Smith 0
John Smith, Balance $200.0
Alin Parker deposited $0.0. Current Balance $23000.0 //Deposit being calculated but displayed as 0 (2)
Mary Jones deposited $0.0. Current Balance $12500.0
Alin Parker withdrew $0.0. Current Balance $21000.0 //Withdrawal being calculated but displayed as 0 (3)
Mary Jones withdrew $0.0. Current Balance $11500.0
Alin Parker withdrew $0.0. Current Balance $-28580.0 //Should not show negative balance and only notice below (4)
Unable to withdraw 30000.0 for Alin Parker due to insufficient funds
1)随机的 10 位帐号显示为 0
2)存款金额被扣除但显示为 0
3)提款金额被扣除但显示为 0
5) Main 方法具有未执行的功能:
public class BankApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CheckingAccount acct1 = new CheckingAccount("Alin", "Parker", "123-45-6789", 1000.0f);
CheckingAccount acct2 = new CheckingAccount("Mary", "Jones", "987-65-4321", 500.0f);
SavingsAccount acct3 = new SavingsAccount("John", "Smith", "1233-45-6789", 200.0f);
acct1.applyInterest(); //seems to skip
acct2.applyInterest(); //seems to skip
acct1.displayBalance(); //seems to skip
acct2.displayBalance(); //seems to skip