我正在尝试在舞台上填写动态文本字段,但出现上述错误。我试图访问的文本字段存在于第 180 帧的舞台上。这个类扩展了 SimpleButton,它是一个超类,其中我有 5 个子类扩展了这个类。
package OOPGame{
import flash.display.SimpleButton;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.text.*;
public class Taste extends SimpleButton{
internal static var sweetNum = 0;
internal static var bitterNum = 0;
internal static var sourNum = 0;
internal static var saltyNum = 0;
internal static var umamiNum = 0;
internal static var recipeNum = 0;
internal static var ingNum = 0;
internal static var recipe:Array = new Array(3);
internal static var recipeOne:Array = new Array;
internal static var recipeTwo:Array = new Array;
internal static var recipeThree:Array = new Array;
internal static var recipeFour:Array = new Array;
internal static var recipeFive:Array = new Array;
protected var taste = "";
protected var rOiO:TextField;
public function Taste() {
addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
public function getRecipe(obj:Object, num:int):void{
recipe[num] = obj;
trace("recipe: " + recipe);
protected function onClick(event:MouseEvent){
if (DraggableIngredient.level == 4)
MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop(76, "Scene 2");
else {MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop(180, "Scene 2");
// trace(getRecipe());
if (recipeNum == 1){
for (var i:Object in recipe){
recipeOne[ingNum] = recipe[i];
recipeOne[ingNum] = taste;}
else if (recipeNum == 2){
for (i in recipe){
recipeTwo[ingNum] = recipe[i];
recipeTwo[ingNum] = taste;}
else if (recipeNum == 3){
for (i in recipe){
recipeThree[ingNum] = recipe[i];
recipeThree[ingNum] = taste;}
trace("this's your first recipe "+recipeOne);
rOiO = parent.getChildByName("r1i1") as TextField;// here is the error
//rOiO.text = recipeOne[0].toString();
//rOiO = new TextField;
在另一个类中调用函数 getRecipe 只是为了填充数组配方并且它正在工作。它让我得到以下输出:
this's your first recipe [object Orange],[object Apple],[object Tomato],Sweet
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at OOPGame::Taste/onClick()
at OOPGame::Sweet/onClick()
package OOPGame{
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
public class Sweet extends Taste{
public function Sweet() {
// constructor code
override protected function onClick(event:MouseEvent){
taste = "Sweet";