在 html5 页面中添加开发 Web 应用程序的机构/CMS 名称的最佳元标记是什么?


<meta name="author" content="My CMS name dot com" />

<meta name="application-name" content="My CMS name dot com" />

<meta name="dcterms.rights" content="My CMS name dot com" />

不确定前 2 个在 html5 中是否仍然有效


2 回答 2


In HTML5, you may only use names that are defined in the HTML5 spec or registered on WHATWG’s MetaExtensions wiki page. So these are the two places where you can look for appropriate names.

author is for the "name of one of the page's authors". As a (CMS) developer, you are probably not the author of the page, right?

application-name should not be used for the name of the CMS used to create the app, but for the name of the (created) app (only to be used if it’s an app, not for any kind of website).

dcterms.rights doesn’t seem to be appropriate; it’s for (information about) the rights, and not who has the rights. And besides that, it’s for the created site/app/content, not the tools that made it possible.

You could

于 2014-08-16T15:16:12.627 回答


我同意@unor 的回答,即不使用您突出显示的 3 个潜在元标记。

您是否考虑过添加human.txt文件?最后一个选项是在 HTML 文档的开头添加 HTML 注释。

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于 2019-05-10T13:19:27.730 回答