我在尝试使用以下结构的组装站点设置循环遍历我的 JSON 数据时遇到问题:
内容中的 index.hbs 调用部分通过对象,如下所示:
{{> steps steps-data}}
我的 steps-data.json 文件如下所示:
"index": 1,
"title": "Find a product",
"description": "Go to a product page and click on the +PriceTrack short cut to add to your list."
"index": 2,
"title": "Track its price",
"description": "Go to a product page and click on the +PriceTrack short cut to add to your list."
"index": 3,
"title": "Purchase",
"description": "Go to a product page and click on the +PriceTrack short cut to add to your list."
在我的 steps.hbs 中,我尝试遍历 JSON 数据,但它没有。
<div class="g-col g-span4">
{{#each steps-data.steps}}
<div class="working-step">
<span class="number"></span><h3>{{title}}</h3>