filePicker.pickSingleFileAsync().then(function (file) {
uploadSingleFileAsync(uri, file);
}).done(null, displayException);
function uploadSingleFileAsync(uri, file) {
if (!file) {
displayError("Error: No file selected.");
return file.getBasicPropertiesAsync().then(function (properties) {
if (properties.size > maxUploadFileSize) {
displayError("Selected file exceeds max. upload file size (" + (maxUploadFileSize / (1024 * 1024)) +
" MB).");
var upload = new UploadOperation();
//tried this to compress the file but it doesnt work obviously not right for the object
//file = file.slice(0, Math.round(file.size / 2));
upload.start(uri, file);
// Persist the upload operation in the global array.
其余的然后上传文件。我尝试添加 .slice 但它不起作用(我猜是因为文件是一个对象而不是)而且我不确定如何压缩这种类型的文件对象。我似乎在 msdn 或 windows 开发论坛上找不到任何示例或建议,我显然可以在照片在服务器上后调整它们的大小,但我希望用户不要等待比他们必须上传文件的时间更长的时间。
我的上传 singlefileasync 现在看起来像:-
function uploadSingleFileAsync(uri, file) {
if (!file) {
displayError("Error: No file selected.");
return file.getBasicPropertiesAsync().then(function (properties) {
if (properties.size > maxUploadFileSize) {
displayError("Selected file exceeds max. upload file size (" + (maxUploadFileSize / (1024 * 1024)) +
" MB).");
// Exception number constants. These constants are defined using values from winerror.h,
// and are compared against error.number in the exception handlers in this scenario.
// This file format does not support the requested operation; for example, metadata or thumbnails.
var WINCODEC_ERR_UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION = Helpers.convertHResultToNumber(0x88982F81);
// This file format does not support the requested property/metadata query.
var WINCODEC_ERR_PROPERTYNOTSUPPORTED = Helpers.convertHResultToNumber(0x88982F41);
// There is no codec or component that can handle the requested operation; for example, encoding.
var WINCODEC_ERR_COMPONENTNOTFOUND = Helpers.convertHResultToNumber(0x88982F50);
// Keep objects in-scope across the lifetime of the scenario.
var FileToken = "";
var DisplayWidthNonScaled = 0;
var DisplayHeightNonScaled = 0;
var ScaleFactor = 0;
var UserRotation = 0;
var ExifOrientation = 0;
var DisableExifOrientation = false;
// Namespace and API aliases
var FutureAccess = Windows.Storage.AccessCache.StorageApplicationPermissions.futureAccessList;
var LocalSettings = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.localSettings.values;
//FileToken = FutureAccess.add(file);
FileToken = Windows.Storage.AccessCache.StorageApplicationPermissions.futureAccessList.add(file);
id("myImage").src = window.URL.createObjectURL(file, { oneTimeOnly: true });
id("myImage").alt = file.name;
// Use BitmapDecoder to attempt to read EXIF orientation and image dimensions.
return loadSaveFileAsync(file)
function resetPersistedState() {
function resetSessionState() {
// Variables width and height reflect rotation but not the scale factor.
FileToken = "";
DisplayWidthNonScaled = 0;
DisplayHeightNonScaled = 0;
ScaleFactor = 1;
UserRotation = Windows.Storage.FileProperties.PhotoOrientation.normal;
ExifOrientation = Windows.Storage.FileProperties.PhotoOrientation.normal;
DisableExifOrientation = false;
function loadSaveFileAsync(file) {
// Keep data in-scope across multiple asynchronous methods.
var inputStream;
var outputStream;
var encoderId;
var pixels;
var pixelFormat;
var alphaMode;
var dpiX;
var dpiY;
var outputFilename;
var ScaleFactor = 0.5;
new WinJS.Promise(function (comp, err, prog) { comp(); }).then(function () {
// On Windows Phone, this call must be done within a WinJS Promise to correctly
// handle exceptions, for example if the file is read-only.
return FutureAccess.getFileAsync(FileToken);
}).then(function (inputFile) {
return inputFile.openAsync(Windows.Storage.FileAccessMode.read);
}).then(function (stream) {
inputStream = stream;
return Windows.Graphics.Imaging.BitmapDecoder.createAsync(inputStream);
}).then(function (decoder) {
var transform = new Windows.Graphics.Imaging.BitmapTransform();
// Scaling occurs before flip/rotation, therefore use the original dimensions
// (no orientation applied) as parameters for scaling.
// Dimensions are rounded down by BitmapEncoder to the nearest integer.
transform.scaledHeight = decoder.pixelHeight * ScaleFactor;
transform.scaledWidth = decoder.pixelWidth * ScaleFactor;
transform.rotation = Helpers.convertToBitmapRotation(UserRotation);
// Fant is a relatively high quality interpolation mode.
transform.interpolationMode = Windows.Graphics.Imaging.BitmapInterpolationMode.fant;
// The BitmapDecoder indicates what pixel format and alpha mode best match the
// natively stored image data. This can provide a performance and/or quality gain.
pixelFormat = decoder.bitmapPixelFormat;
alphaMode = decoder.bitmapAlphaMode;
dpiX = decoder.dpiX;
dpiY = decoder.dpiY;
// Get pixel data from the decoder. We apply the user-requested transforms on the
// decoded pixels to take advantage of potential optimizations in the decoder.
return decoder.getPixelDataAsync(
}).then(function (pixelProvider) {
pixels = pixelProvider.detachPixelData();
// The destination file was passed as an argument to loadSaveFileAsync().
outputFilename = file.name;
switch (file.fileType) {
case ".jpg":
encoderId = Windows.Graphics.Imaging.BitmapEncoder.jpegEncoderId;
case ".bmp":
encoderId = Windows.Graphics.Imaging.BitmapEncoder.bmpEncoderId;
case ".png":
encoderId = Windows.Graphics.Imaging.BitmapEncoder.pngEncoderId;
return file.openAsync(Windows.Storage.FileAccessMode.readWrite);
}).then(function (stream) {
outputStream = stream;
// BitmapEncoder expects an empty output stream; the user may have selected a
// pre-existing file.
outputStream.size = 0;
return Windows.Graphics.Imaging.BitmapEncoder.createAsync(encoderId, outputStream);
}).then(function (encoder) {
// Write the pixel data onto the encoder. Note that we can't simply use the
// BitmapTransform.ScaledWidth and ScaledHeight members as the user may have
// requested a rotation (which is applied after scaling).
DisplayWidthNonScaled * ScaleFactor,
DisplayHeightNonScaled * ScaleFactor,
return encoder.flushAsync();
}).then(function () {
WinJS.log && WinJS.log("Successfully saved a copy: " + outputFilename, "sample", "status");
}, function (error) {
WinJS.log && WinJS.log("Failed to update file: " + error.message, "sample", "error");
}).then(function () {
// Finally, close each stream to release any locks.
inputStream && inputStream.close();
outputStream && outputStream.close();
}).then(function () {
var upload = new UploadOperation();
upload.start(uri, file);
// Persist the upload operation in the global array.
但是当我到达这一行时出现错误 return
file.openAsync(Windows.Storage.FileAccessMode.readWrite); 说我没有写权限?我如何获得写访问权或移动它以便我可以拥有写访问权?