第一次进入 Luigi(和 Python!)领域并有一些问题。相关代码为:
from Database import Database
import luigi
class bbSanityCheck(luigi.Task):
conn = luigi.Parameter()
date = luigi.Parameter()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(bbSanityCheck, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.has_run = False
def run(self):
print "Entering run of bb sanity check"
print "Are we in la-la land?"
def complete(self):
print "BB Sanity check being asked for completeness: " , self.has_run
return self.has_run
class Pipeline(luigi.Task):
date = luigi.DateParameter()
def requires(self):
db = Database('cbs')
self.conn = db.connect()
print "I'm about to yield!"
return bbSanityCheck(conn = self.conn, date = self.date)
def run(self):
print "Hello World"
self.conn.query("""SELECT *
FROM log_blackbook""")
result = conn.store_result()
print result.fetch_row()
def complete(self):
return False
if __name__=='__main__':
DEBUG: Checking if Pipeline(date=2013-03-03) is complete
I'm about to yield!
INFO: Scheduled Pipeline(date=2013-03-03)
I'm about to yield!
DEBUG: Checking if bbSanityCheck(conn=<_mysql.connection open to 'sas1.rad.wc.truecarcorp.com' at 223f050>, date=2013-03-03) is complete
BB Sanity check being asked for completeness: False
INFO: Scheduled bbSanityCheck(conn=<_mysql.connection open to 'sas1.rad.wc.truecarcorp.com' at 223f050>, date=2013-03-03)
INFO: Done scheduling tasks
DEBUG: Asking scheduler for work...
DEBUG: Pending tasks: 2
INFO: [pid 5150] Running bbSanityCheck(conn=<_mysql.connection open to 'sas1.rad.wc.truecarcorp.com' at 223f050>, date=2013-03-03)
Entering run of bb sanity check
Are we in la-la land?
INFO: [pid 5150] Done bbSanityCheck(conn=<_mysql.connection open to 'sas1.rad.wc.truecarcorp.com' at 223f050>, date=2013-03-03)
DEBUG: Asking scheduler for work...
INFO: Done
INFO: There are no more tasks to run at this time
INFO: There are 1 pending tasks possibly being run by other workers
INFO: Worker was stopped. Shutting down Keep-Alive thread
1.) 为什么“我即将屈服”会打印两次?
2.) 为什么从来没有打印出“hello world”?
3.) 什么是“1 个可能由其他工作人员运行的待处理任务”?
我还注意到需要“产量”或“返回项目、项目 2、项目 3”。我读过关于产量并理解它。我没有得到的是哪种约定在这里被认为是优越的,或者它们是否是我对语言的新手没有得到的细微差异。