存储:null 不存在。
我的目标是跟踪我缓存数据的时间,以便在数据过时时重新获取数据。“updateCacheAge”方法似乎有效。记录对象填充了我期望的 JSON 对象。
updateCacheAge = function (dbName, cacheName) {
// updates the mashCacheAge. This helps track how old/stale a cache is.
var cacheJSON = {
id: cacheName,
updatedDate: new Date().getTime()
mashDB = new ydn.db.Storage(dbName);
mashDB.put({ name: 'mashCacheAge', keyPath: 'id' }, cacheJSON).done(function (key) {
mashDB.executeSql('SELECT * FROM mashCacheAge WHERE id = \'' + cacheName + '\'').then(function (record) {
$log.log('mashCacheAge record for: ' + cacheName);
$log.log(cacheName + ': mashCache was re-created.');
这是 isStale 函数。第一次通过我希望这可能会失败,因为缓存中没有任何内容。当发生这种情况时,我知道要获取我的数据,然后更新 cacheAge 以防止我回到数据库,直到缓存过时。
我确信我的代码可以改进,但这是我解决问题的第一步。我遇到的问题是我刚刚保存到 mashCacheAge 存储的数据不存在,并且错误消息似乎表明存储本身不存在。
isStale = function (dbName, cacheName, minutes) {
// db: is 'mashCache'
// store: No store is provided but might be added later to remove constaint 'mashCacheAge'
// subject: is the name of the cache being evaluated.
// minutes: is the number of minutes before the cache is considered stale.
var deferred = $q.defer();
var result = true;
// get milliseconds version of minutes.
var ageToleranceMilliseconds = (minutes * 60) * 1000;
var currentDateMilliseconds = new Date().getTime();
isStaleMashDB = new ydn.db.Storage(dbName);
try {
isStaleMashDB.executeSql('SELECT * FROM mashCacheAge WHERE id = \'' + cacheName + '\'').then(function (record) {
$log.log('mashCacheAge record for: ' + cacheName);
var durationMilliseconds = currentDateMilliseconds - record[0].updatedDate;
// Check if the data is stale.
if (durationMilliseconds > ageToleranceMilliseconds) {
result = true;
else { result = false; }
catch (e) { deferred.resolve(true); }
return deferred.promise;