有谁知道我如何在某些 3d 函数的水平集上实现绘制三角形(类似于 gnuplot 中的此图像?当我在阅读一些教程后尝试这样做时:
gnuplot> set border 15 front linetype -1 linewidth 1.000
gnuplot> set logscale z 10
gnuplot> set view map
gnuplot> set isosamples 60, 60
gnuplot> unset surface
gnuplot> set contour base
gnuplot> unset clabel
gnuplot> set style data lines
gnuplot> set ticslevel 0
gnuplot> set noztics
gnuplot> set title "Trwa symulacja"
gnuplot> set xlabel "x"
gnuplot> set xrange [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
gnuplot> set ylabel "y"
gnuplot> set zlabel ""
gnuplot> set yrange [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
gnuplot> set zrange [ * : * ] noreverse nowriteback
gnuplot> splot [-10.5:10.5] [-10.5:10.5] x**2 +y**2 with lines lc rgb "#000000"
>'-' with lines notitle
input data ('e' ends) > 5.39703780733842 0.424994542694183 29.3086374551602
input data ('e' ends) > -4.80045950473308 -8.66307635892326 98.0933034571172
input data ('e' ends) > -3.56740563691939 3.31903046267993 23.7423461905216
input data ('e' ends) > 5.39703780733842 0.424994542694183 29.3086374551602
input data ('e' ends) > e
但我仍然收到警告:“无法绘制非网格数据。请使用“set dgrid3d”。”。