I'm using the new network library called Alamofire to do a POST request in Swift.
Alamofire allows you to build up the parameters format separately and add it. Here is my request format.
"DeviceCredentials": {
"UniqueId": "sample string 1"
"Personalnumber": "sample string 1"
And below is what I came up with.
let parameters = [
"DeviceCredentials": ["UniqueId": uniqueID],
"Personalnumber": personalNumber
Both uniqueID
and personalNumber
are of String type. I get no error at this point but when I try to add it to the request,
Alamofire.request(.POST, "https://www.example.com/api/", parameters: parameters, encoding: .JSON(options: nil)).responseJSON { (request, response, JSON, error) -> Void in
I get this error at the parameters
parameter, 'String' is not identical to 'NSObject'.
Is there something wrong with my format or is this a bug?
Edit: I found that replacing uniqueID
with an integer like so (["UniqueId", 1]
) gets rid of the error. But I tried another format as a test which I have listed below and it compiles without any errors!
let paras = [
"DeviceCredentials": ["UniqueId": uniqueID],
"UserCredentials": ["Personalnumber": personalNumber]