Say I have:
(def c [{:id 12 :name "John"}])
How do I write this in a file?
How do I get back this data structure?
Take a look at the code in the doc to read, especially at the bottom. There's a complete example of what you're looking for.
(require '[ :as io]
'[cognitect.transit :as t])
(def c [{:id 12 :name "John"}])
(def dir "resources/json/")
(defn write-transit [dir file-name file-type coll]
(let [suffix {:json ".json" :json-verbose ".verbose.json" :msgpack ".mp"}]
(with-open [out (io/output-stream
(str dir "/" file-name (file-type suffix)))]
(t/write (t/writer out file-type) coll)))))
(defn read-transit [dir file-name file-type]
(let [suffix {:json ".json" :json-verbose ".verbose.json" :msgpack ".mp"}]
(with-open [in (io/input-stream (str dir "/" file-name (file-type suffix)))]
(t/read (t/reader in file-type)))))
(write-transit dir "test" :json c)
;=> nil
(read-transit dir "test" :json)
;=> [{:id 12 :name "John"}]