我有一个 web 表单 web 应用程序 (asp.net 2.0)。当用户提交表单时,我的提交链接实际上消失了,因此他们无法再次提交。但是,他们可以按 F5,这会导致另一个插入数据库,这是我不希望发生的。

如果/当他们确实按 F5 告诉页面时,我可以设置某种设置 - 不要再次提交?


4 回答 4


It sounds like you're doing a postback to the same page, then inserting to a database before redisplaying the same page to the user, minus the submit button?

If this is the case, the easiest way around your problem is to do a Response.Redirect() to the same page - so when the user presses F5 it will reload the GET request to the page instead of the POST.


When you do a postback in ASP.NET the browser will send a POST request to the server. I don't know your background in HTTP methods, but even if you're new to web programming you've probably experienced the effects of these types of requests in browsers. Sometimes when you submit forms on websites and hit the back button, it will say something like "would you like to resubmit the form data". This is because those forms are sending data to the server using the HTTP POST method. The effect of the back button in this case is the same as when you press F5 - the browser is repeating the exact same POST request over again (which requires some type of form data, and in these cases it's the same data you submitted the last time).

When you use Response.Redirect(), the server is issuing HTTP status code 302 (resource moved temporarily) in response to the request. The browser then, will now issue a GET request for the resource it has been told to redirect to (in this case, your same exact page).

Now when you're on the page, it's returned as if you had visited it from a link or typed it directly into the address bar. If you press F5 this time, a GET request will be issued as opposed to a POST.

I would recommend you download Firebug and activate the "Net" panel. You can see exactly what composes a request/response along with a list of all the requests being made on your page.

More resources:

If you're feeling adventurous you can check out even more status codes (and by the way I have actually used 418 in an application I'm working on as a hack to get around Forms Authentication for ASP.NET).

If Firebug isn't enough, you can download Fiddler and actually handcraft and replay requests to your liking.

If GET and POST aren't enough for you, you can use other methods to change states in your application. You may have heard of RESTful architecture, which basically uses the HTTP methods GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE as they were intended.

于 2010-03-26T21:15:53.790 回答


发布 - 重定向 - 获取


于 2010-03-26T23:16:51.483 回答

There was a very recent article on Code Project that presented a way to handle unwanted refreshes by using an HttpModule, a hidden field and some JavaScript. It might not be right for you, but it is a nifty solution that does not rely on ViewState or Session.

于 2010-03-26T21:18:48.707 回答

你可以做几件事。在 ViewState 中存储一个布尔值。检查/设置属性。将布尔值存储在 Session 中并检查/设置它。

在回发时,您设置该值,如果该值为 true,则阻止提交并引发/显示错误。

于 2010-03-26T20:40:30.763 回答