You have two options to do this. First is to return already modified values from your datasource, so instead of 10737418240 it should return "10 GB" string value.
The second approach seems better for me - you should use SimpleType functionality. There is an example for you:
public class PopulationType extends SimpleType {
public PopulationType() {
super("population", FieldType.TEXT);
// format values in the grid
this.setSimpleTypeValueExtractor(new SimpleTypeValueExtractor() {
public Object getAtomicValue(Object value) {
if (value instanceof Integer && ((Integer) value) > 1000000) {
return ((Integer) value) / 1000000 + " Mln";
return "" + value;
public void onModuleLoad() {
final ListGrid countryGrid = new ListGrid();
WorldXmlDS ds = WorldXmlDS.getInstance();
ds.getField("population").setType(new PopulationType());
You set your SimpleType instance to a field you want to format and set SimpleTypeValueExtractor to override getAtomicValue which is used for showing,filtering,sorting.
There are other methods you could override - e.g. if you need to edit values in your grid you should probably set SimpleTypeValueUpdater as well.