我在启用 FastMM 和 FullDebugMode 的情况下测试了我的应用程序,因为我遇到了一些关机问题。
在解决了我自己的一堆问题之后,FastMM 开始抱怨在 TPopupList 中的释放对象上调用虚拟方法。我试图在使用中尽早移动菜单单元,以便最后完成,但它没有帮助。这是真正的问题,vcl 中的错误还是 FastMM 的误报?
以下是 FastMM 的完整报告:
FastMM has detected an attempt to call a virtual method on a freed object. An access violation will now be raised in order to abort the current operation.
Freed object class: TPopupList
Virtual method: Offset +16
Virtual method address: 4714E4
The allocation number was: 220
The object was allocated by thread 0x1CC0, and the stack trace (return addresses) at the time was:
403216 [sys\system.pas][System][System.@GetMem][2654]
404A4F [sys\system.pas][System][System.TObject.NewInstance][8807]
404E16 [sys\system.pas][System][System.@ClassCreate][9472]
404A84 [sys\system.pas][System][System.TObject.Create][8822]
7F2602 [Menus.pas][Menus][Menus.Menus][4223]
40570F [sys\system.pas][System][System.InitUnits][11397]
405777 [sys\system.pas][System][System.@StartExe][11462]
40844F [SysInit.pas][SysInit][SysInit.@InitExe][663]
7F6368 [PCCSServer.dpr][PCCSServer][PCCSServer.PCCSServer][148]
7C90DCBA [ZwSetInformationThread]
7C817077 [Unknown function at RegisterWaitForInputIdle]
The object was subsequently freed by thread 0x1CC0, and the stack trace (return addresses) at the time was:
403232 [sys\system.pas][System][System.@FreeMem][2699]
404A6D [sys\system.pas][System][System.TObject.FreeInstance][8813]
404E61 [sys\system.pas][System][System.@ClassDestroy][9513]
428D15 [common\Classes.pas][Classes][Classes.TList.Destroy][2914]
404AB3 [sys\system.pas][System][System.TObject.Free][8832]
472091 [Menus.pas][Menus][Menus.Finalization][4228]
4056A7 [sys\system.pas][System][System.FinalizeUnits][11256]
4056BF [sys\system.pas][System][System.FinalizeUnits][11261]
7C9032A8 [RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger]
7C90327A [RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger]
7C92AA0F [Unknown function at towlower]
The current thread ID is 0x1CC0, and the stack trace (return addresses) leading to this error is:
4714B8 [Menus.pas][Menus][Menus.TPopupList.MainWndProc][3779]
435BB2 [common\Classes.pas][Classes][Classes.StdWndProc][11583]
7E418734 [Unknown function at GetDC]
7E418816 [Unknown function at GetDC]
7E428EA0 [Unknown function at DefWindowProcW]
7E428EEC [Unknown function at DefWindowProcW]
7C90E473 [KiUserCallbackDispatcher]
7E42B1A8 [DestroyWindow]
47CE31 [Controls.pas][Controls][Controls.TWinControl.DestroyWindowHandle][6857]
493BE4 [Forms.pas][Forms][Forms.TCustomForm.DestroyWindowHandle][4564]
4906D9 [Forms.pas][Forms][Forms.TCustomForm.Destroy][2929]
Current memory dump of 256 bytes starting at pointer address 7FF9CFF0:
2C FE 82 00 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 C4 A3 2D 0C 00 00 00 00 B1 D0 F9 7F
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 00 00 00 16 32 40 00 9D 5B 40 00 C8 5B 40 00
CE 82 40 00 3C 40 91 7C B0 B1 94 7C 0A 77 92 7C 84 77 92 7C 7C F0 96 7C 94 B3 94 7C 84 77 92 7C
C0 1C 00 00 32 32 40 00 12 5B 40 00 EF 69 40 00 BA 20 47 00 A7 56 40 00 BF 56 40 00 A8 32 90 7C
7A 32 90 7C 0F AA 92 7C 0A 77 92 7C 84 77 92 7C C0 1C 00 00 0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C7 35 65 59
2C FE 82 00 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 38 CA 9A A6 80 80 80 80 80 80 00 00 00 00 51 D1 F9 7F
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C1 00 00 00 16 32 40 00 9D 5B 40 00 C8 5B 40 00
CE 82 40 00 3C 40 91 7C B0 B1 94 7C 0A 77 92 7C 84 77 92 7C 7C F0 96 7C 94 B3 94 7C 84 77 92 7C
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Î ‚ @ . < @ ‘ | ° ± ” | . w ’ | „ w ’ | | ð – | ” ³ ” | „ w ’ |
À . . . 2 2 @ . . [ @ . ï i @ . º G . § V @ . ¿ V @ . ¨ 2 |
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我正在使用 Delphi 2007 和 FastMM 4.97。
Edit1:我认为这里的主要问题是为什么 Classes.StdWndProc 调用 Menus.TPopupList?在调试器中挖掘调用堆栈显示 System.FinalizeUnit 被调用了 3 次,然后它转到 SysUtils.ShowException,它尝试显示 MessageBox,在一堆 user32.dll 调用之后,我们最终到达 classes.StdWndProc。