我经常需要在方法上设置断点,打印参数,并在特定参数上中断或在不匹配时继续。在本机代码中,我会使用bp <symbol> "commands"
. 但这是一个托管应用程序,因此该方法并不总是 JITted。因此,!sos.bpmd 可用;但是,它不支持命令参数。!sosex.mbm 是另一个选项,文档表明它可以接受命令参数。来自!sosex.help mbm
"command" - 可以指定一个带引号的字符串参数。此字符串的内容将作为命令参数传递到相应的本机断点。
. 但是,它无法解析同一bp
0:022> $ Set a breakpoint on Foo.Bar.CBase!Foo.Bar.CBase.set_Item.
0:022> !sosex.mbm Foo.Bar.CBase!Foo.Bar.CBase.set_Item
The breakpoint could not be resolved immediately.
Further attempts will be made as modules are loaded.
Breakpoint set at Foo.Bar.CBase.set_Item(System.String, System.Object) in AppDomain 0000000001f32cc0.
0:022> $ Breakpoint set. Check the native address.
0:022> !sosex.mbl
AppDomain 0000000001eceee0
0 eu: disable Foo.Bar.CBase!Foo.Bar.CBase.SET_ITEM ILOffset=0: pass=1 oneshot=false thread=ANY
AppDomain 0000000001f32cc0
0 e : disable Foo.Bar.CBase!Foo.Bar.CBase.SET_ITEM ILOffset=0: pass=1 oneshot=false thread=ANY
Foo.Bar.CBase!Foo.Bar.CBase.set_Item(string, object)
0 e 000007ff005cc799
0:022> $ Clear the breakpoint.
0:022> $ !sosex.mbc 0
0:022> $ Set breakpoint on same address with command argument.
0:022> bp 000007ff005cc799 "as /mu ${/v:col} (@rdx+0x10); .block { .printf \"Column: %mu, Value: %mu\\n\", @rdx+10, @r8+10; .if (0 != $scmp( \"${col}\", \"opt_id\")) { gc } }"
0:022> $ Check the set breakpoint.
0:022> bl
0 e 000007ff`005cc799 0001 (0001) 0:**** "as /mu ${/v:col} (@rdx+0x10); .block { .printf \"Column: %mu, Value: %mu\\n\", @rdx+10, @r8+10; .if (0 != $scmp( \"${col}\", \"opt_id\")) { gc } }"
0:022> $ Continue execution.
0:022> g
Column: abc_id, Value: 80
Column: hoge_id, Value: N
Column: priority, Value:
Column: opt_id, Value: ZEI
000007ff`005cc799 488b542430 mov rdx,qword ptr [rsp+30h] ss:00000000`056cae00=000000013f7ed498
0:022> $ Outputs arguments and continues on non-match. Breaks on match. Expected results.
commands 参数似乎是有效的,并且可以按照我的意愿进行。这样的断点是一项频繁的任务,所以我更喜欢用一个命令来设置整个事情,而不是通过上述多个步骤。据我可以从sosex.mbm
0:022> $ Cleanup. Clear the breakpoint.
0:022> bc 0
0:022> $ Ensure that the alias is not defined.
0:022> ad /q ${/v:col}
0:022> $ Try to set the same breakpoint with sosex.mbm.
0:022> !sosex.mbm Foo.Bar.CBase!Foo.Bar.CBase.set_Item "as /mu ${/v:col} (@rdx+0x10); .block { .printf \"Column: %mu, Value: %mu\\n\", @rdx+10, @r8+10; .if (0 != $scmp( \"${col}\", \"opt_id\")) { gc } }"
syntax error
^ Quotes required in ' .printf \"Column: %mu, Value: %mu\\n\", @rdx+10, @r8+10; .if (0 != $scmp( \"${col}\", \"opt_id\")) { gc } '
0:022> $ Output RDX and R8 when the breakpoint is hit.
0:022> !sosex.mbm Foo.Bar.CBase!Foo.Bar.CBase.set_Item "r @rdx; r @r8"
syntax error
^ Syntax error in '!sosex.mbm Foo.Bar.CBase!Foo.Bar.CBase.set_Item "r @rdx; r @r8"'
0:022> $ Output RDX when the breakpoint is hit, and then continue.
0:022> !sosex.mbm Foo.Bar.CBase!Foo.Bar.CBase.set_Item "r @rdx; gc"
syntax error
^ Extra character error in '!sosex.mbm Foo.Bar.CBase!Foo.Bar.CBase.set_Item "r @rdx; gc"'
0:022> $ Output RDX when the breakpoint is hit.
0:022> !sosex.mbm Foo.Bar.CBase!Foo.Bar.CBase.set_Item "r @rdx"
The breakpoint could not be resolved immediately.
Further attempts will be made as modules are loaded.
Breakpoint set at Foo.Bar.CBase.set_Item(System.String, System.Object) in AppDomain 0000000001f32cc0.
只要不包含多个语句,就只能接受单个命令参数。如文档所示,如果单个命令参数仅被传递到本机断点(例如 bp),则不应有此类限制。
请注意,我使用的是 sosex 的 版本。这是可供下载的最新版本。