我有一个看起来像这样的数据框,我正在尝试计算行 VALUE 的累积总和。输入文件也可以在这里找到:https ://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16277659/input.csv

df <-read.csv("input.csv", sep=";", header=TRUE)

SAMPLE1;    253;    1880;   1879;           14
SAMPLE1;    253;    1881;   1880;           -10
SAMPLE1;    253;    1882;   1881;           4
SAMPLE1;    253;    1883;   1882;           10
SAMPLE1;    253;    1884;   1883;           10
SAMPLE1;    253;    1885;   1884;           12
SAMPLE1;    253;    1889;   1888;           11
SAMPLE1;    253;    1890;   1889;           12
SAMPLE1;    253;    1911;   1910;          -16
SAMPLE1;    253;    1913;   1911;          -11
SAMPLE1;    253;    1914;   1913;          -8
SAMPLE2;    261;    1992;   1991;          -19
SAMPLE2;    261;    1994;   1992;          -58
SAMPLE2;    261;    1995;   1994;          -40
SAMPLE2;    261;    1996;   1995;          -21
SAMPLE2;    261;    1997;   1996;          -50
SAMPLE2;    261;    1998;   1997;          -60
SAMPLE2;    261;    2005;   2004;          -34
SAMPLE2;    261;    2006;   2005;          -23
SAMPLE2;    261;    2007;   2006;          -19
SAMPLE2;    261;    2008;   2007;          -29
SAMPLE2;    261;    2009;   2008;          -89
SAMPLE2;    261;    2013;   2009;          -14
SAMPLE2;    261;    2014;   2013;          -16

我的最终目标是绘制每个 SAMPLE 的图,其中在 x 轴上绘制 SURVEY_YEAR,在 y 轴上绘制后来计算的 VALUE 的累积总和 CUMSUM。到目前为止,我的代码整理数据:

# Filter out all values with less than 3 measurements by group (in this case does nothing, but is important with the rest of my data)
df <-read.csv("input.csv", sep=";", header=TRUE)
rowsn <- with(df,by(VALUE,ID,function(xx)sum(!is.na(xx))))
dat <- df[df$ID %in% names(which(rowsn>=3)),]

# write new column which defines the beginning of the group (split by ID) and for the cumsum function(=0)
dat <- do.call(rbind, lapply(split(dat, dat$ID), function(x){
x <- rbind(x[1,],x); x[1, "VALUE"] <- 0; x[1, "SURVEY_YEAR"] <- x[1, "SURVEY_YEAR"] -1;       return(x)}))
rownames(dat) <- seq_len(nrow(dat))

# write dat to csv file for inspection
write.table(dat, "dat.csv", sep=";", row.names=FALSE)

这将产生以下数据框,它是计算行 VALUE 的累积总和的起点。

SAMPLE1;    253;    1879;   1879;             0
SAMPLE1;    253;    1880;   1879;            14
SAMPLE1;    253;    1881;   1880;           -10
SAMPLE1;    253;    1882;   1881;             4
SAMPLE1;    253;    1883;   1882;            10
SAMPLE1;    253;    1884;   1883;            10
SAMPLE1;    253;    1885;   1884;            12
SAMPLE1;    253;    1889;   1888;            11
SAMPLE1;    253;    1890;   1889;            12
SAMPLE1;    253;    1911;   1910;           -16
SAMPLE1;    253;    1913;   1911;           -11
SAMPLE1;    253;    1914;   1913;            -8
SAMPLE2;    261;    1991;   1991;             0
SAMPLE2;    261;    1992;   1991;           -19
SAMPLE2;    261;    1994;   1992;           -58
SAMPLE2;    261;    1995;   1994;           -40
SAMPLE2;    261;    1996;   1995;           -21
SAMPLE2;    261;    1997;   1996;           -50
SAMPLE2;    261;    1998;   1997;           -60
SAMPLE2;    261;    2005;   2004;           -34
SAMPLE2;    261;    2006;   2005;           -23
SAMPLE2;    261;    2007;   2006;           -19
SAMPLE2;    261;    2008;   2007;           -29
SAMPLE2;    261;    2009;   2008;           -89
SAMPLE2;    261;    2013;   2009;           -14
SAMPLE2;    261;    2014;   2013;           -16

现在的问题是我想计算每年行 VALUE 的累积总和。如您所见,我在某些年份之间存在差距(例如,在 1890 年至 1911 年之间的 SAMPLE1 和 1998 年至 2005 年之间的 SAMPLE2 中),我想用 NA 值填补每年之间的差距,以便我可以使用绘图类型进行绘图='b'(点和线),因此不同的间隙不连接。重要的是,如果彼此之后有多个 NA 值,则在 CUMSUM 行中,最后一个 NA 值应替换为之前的最后一个数值。

正常情况是 REFERENCE_YEAR 和 SURVEY_YEAR 之间的差等于 1(例如,对于 SAMPLE1 从 1880 年到 1881 年的第一个示例),但在某些情况下,REFERENCE_YEAR 和 SURVEY_YEAR 之间存在不同的周期(例如,在 SAMPLE1 从 1911 年到1913 年和 2009 年至 2013 年的 SAMPLE2)。如果是这种情况,则累积和的函数应该只应用一次,并且值应该在指定的时期内保持不变(在图中,这会导致一条连接的直线)。


SAMPLE1;    253;    1879;       1879;            0;     0
SAMPLE1;    253;    1880;       1879;           14;     14
SAMPLE1;    253;    1881;       1880;          -10;     4
SAMPLE1;    253;    1882;       1881;            4;     8
SAMPLE1;    253;    1883;       1882;           10;     18
SAMPLE1;    253;    1884;       1883;           10;     28
SAMPLE1;    253;    1885;       1884;           12;     40
SAMPLE1;    253;    1886;       1885;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1887;       1886;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1888;       1887;           NA;     40
SAMPLE1;    253;    1889;       1888;           11;     51
SAMPLE1;    253;    1890;       1889;           12;     63
SAMPLE1;    253;    1891;       1890;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1892;       1891;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1893;       1892;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1894;       1893;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1895;       1894;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1896;       1895;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1897;       1896;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1898;       1897;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1899;       1898;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1900;       1899;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1901;       1900;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1902;       1901;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1903;       1902;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1904;       1903;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1905;       1904;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1906;       1905;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1907;       1906;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1908;       1907;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1909;       1908;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE1;    253;    1910;       1909;           NA;     63
SAMPLE1;    253;    1911;       1910;          -16;     47
SAMPLE1;    253;    1912;       1911;          -11;     36
SAMPLE1;    253;    1913;       1912;          -11;     36
SAMPLE1;    253;    1914;       1913;           -8;     28
SAMPLE2;    253;    1991;       1991;            0;     0
SAMPLE2;    253;    1992;       1991;          -19;     -19
SAMPLE2;    253;    1993;       1992;          -58;     -77
SAMPLE2;    253;    1994;       1993;          -58;     -135
SAMPLE2;    253;    1995;       1994;          -40;     -175
SAMPLE2;    253;    1996;       1995;          -21;     -196
SAMPLE2;    253;    1997;       1996;          -50;     -246
SAMPLE2;    253;    1998;       1997;          -60;     -306
SAMPLE2;    253;    1999;       1998;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE2;    253;    2000;       1999;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE2;    253;    2001;       2000;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE2;    253;    2002;       2001;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE2;    253;    2003;       2002;           NA;     NA
SAMPLE2;    253;    2004;       2003;           NA;     -306
SAMPLE2;    253;    2005;       2004;          -34;     -340
SAMPLE2;    253;    2006;       2005;          -23;     -363
SAMPLE2;    253;    2007;       2006;          -19;     -382
SAMPLE2;    253;    2008;       2007;          -29;     -411
SAMPLE2;    253;    2009;       2008;          -89;     -500
SAMPLE2;    253;    2010;       2009;          -14;     -514
SAMPLE2;    253;    2011;       2010;          -14;     -514
SAMPLE2;    253;    2012;       2011;          -14;     -514
SAMPLE2;    253;    2013;       2012;          -14;     -514
SAMPLE2;    253;    2014;       2013;          -16;     -530 



1 回答 1



df = read.csv("input.csv", sep=";", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

#find min/max year for each SAMPLE
df_minmax = df %>% 
group_by(NAME) %>% 
summarise(min_year = min(SURVEY_YEAR), 
          max_year = max(SURVEY_YEAR))

#create an empty dataframe with what we want
df2 = data.frame(NAME = "", 
                 ID = 0, 
                 SURVEY_YEAR = min(df$SURVEY_YEAR):max(df$SURVEY_YEAR), 
                 REFERENCE_YEAR = min(df$SURVEY_YEAR):max(df$SURVEY_YEAR) - 1,
                 VALUE = NA, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

#fill in the NAMES dataframe - there's probably a better way to do this
for(i in 1:nrow(df_minmax)) {
  min_year = df_minmax[i, ]$min_year
  max_year = df_minmax[i, ]$max_year

  df2[df2$SURVEY_YEAR %in% min_year:max_year, ]$NAME = df_minmax[i, ]$NAME

#fill in the values
#this line is a bit dangerous -- it relies on the fact that df1 and df2 have the same relative ordering
#don't change the ordering of df and df2 before this line.

#in this example there is a long period between sample1 and sample2 we can filter those out
df2 = df2 %>% filter(NAME != "")

#Now we can do all the cumulative stuff
#for purposes of cumulative sums, set NA to 0
temp = df2$VALUE
df2[is.na(df2)] = 0
df2 = df2 %>% group_by(NAME) %>% mutate(csum = cumsum(VALUE))

#get back the NA values -- in case the NA values are useful to you
df2$VALUE = temp


1  SAMPLE1  0        1880           1879    14   14
2  SAMPLE1  0        1881           1880   -10    4
3  SAMPLE1  0        1882           1881     4    8
4  SAMPLE1  0        1883           1882    10   18
5  SAMPLE1  0        1884           1883    10   28
6  SAMPLE1  0        1885           1884    12   40
7  SAMPLE1  0        1886           1885    NA   40
8  SAMPLE1  0        1887           1886    NA   40
9  SAMPLE1  0        1888           1887    NA   40
10 SAMPLE1  0        1889           1888    11   51
11 SAMPLE1  0        1890           1889    12   63
12 SAMPLE1  0        1891           1890    NA   63
13 SAMPLE1  0        1892           1891    NA   63
14 SAMPLE1  0        1893           1892    NA   63
15 SAMPLE1  0        1894           1893    NA   63
16 SAMPLE1  0        1895           1894    NA   63
17 SAMPLE1  0        1896           1895    NA   63
18 SAMPLE1  0        1897           1896    NA   63
19 SAMPLE1  0        1898           1897    NA   63
20 SAMPLE1  0        1899           1898    NA   63


  1. 查找 NAME 中每个组的最小/最大年份。
  2. 创建一个空数据框,其中包含我们想要的所有年份的总范围。
  3. 在新的空数据框中的正确位置填写名称。
  4. 在新的空数据框中的正确位置填写 VALUES。
  5. 将 NA's 设置为 0 以用于累积总和
  6. 按组查找累积总和。
  7. 将 0 替换回 NA。

for循环有点hackish 。我希望没有人为它串起我。

于 2014-08-11T15:07:47.983 回答