我最近一直在努力理解组织 jQuery 代码的最佳方式。我之前问了另一个问题,我认为我不够具体(在这个问题中找到)。
//Let's start some jQuery
$(function() {
var container = $("#inputContainer");
//Okay let's list text fields that can be updated
for(var i=0; i < 5; i++) {
//okay let's add an event for when a field changes
$("<input/>").change(function() {
//okay something changed, let's update the server
success:function(data) {
//Okay - no problem from the server... let's update
//the bindings on our input fields
$.each(container.children(), function(j,w) {
//YIKES!! We're deep in here now!!
$(w).unbind().change(function() {
//Then insanity starts...
}); // end some function
}); //end some loop
} // what was this again?
}); //ending something... not sure anymore
}).appendTo(container); //input added to the page... logic WAY split apart
}; //the first loop - whew! almost out!
}); //The start of the code!!
现在这种情况并非不可能。我并不是说这是正确的做法,但发现自己进入 jQuery 命令的几个级别并开始想知道在屏幕开始融化之前还可以添加多少逻辑的情况并不少见。