我有一个 WPF 程序,它可以抓取某个网络目录中的所有目录并将它们列在列表视图中。
问题是目录太多,加载列表最多可能需要 5 秒。
For Each i As String In Directory.GetDirectories(dir)
If File.Exists(Path.GetFullPath(i) & "\cover.jpg") Then
If (File.GetAttributes(Path.GetFullPath(i)) And FileAttributes.Hidden) <> FileAttributes.Hidden Then
Dim foldername As String = Path.GetFileName(i)
Dim moviename As String = foldername
If moviename.Length > 4 Then
If moviename.Substring(0, 4) = "The " Then
moviename = moviename.Remove(0, 4)
End If
End If
Dim display As Boolean = True
If IO.Directory.GetDirectories(Path.GetFullPath(i)).Length < 1 Then
If IO.Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetFullPath(i), "*.avi").Length < 1 Then
If IO.Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetFullPath(i), "*.mp4").Length < 1 Then
If IO.Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetFullPath(i), "*.mkv").Length < 1 Then
display = False
End If
End If
End If
End If
If display = True Then
Showslist.Items.Add(New With {Key .img = Path.GetFullPath(i) & "\cover.jpg", .name = foldername, .path = Path.GetFullPath(i), .created = Directory.GetCreationTime(Path.GetFullPath(i)), .moviename = moviename})
End If
End If
End If