I'm working through the example code of chapter 4 of Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages (http://volume1.coreservlets.com/archive/Chapter4.html) and I get the above error when I try to compile the BeanUtilities.java file. I thought initially it was my classpath but that seems to include the required .jar files (looking at the starttomcat prompt). I think I have the .jar files in the correct directory ($CATALINA_HOME/lib/ I'm running tomcat 7 on fedora). Any advice? Thanks & I hope your day is going better than mine, sigh.


1 回答 1


bean utils 不包含在JDK 或Tomcat 的默认包中,因此您需要手动添加它,因为它是一个依赖项。

如果您正在使用 J2EE 构建和 Web 项目

然后在您的目录中添加bean utils(.jar 文件) 。WebContent/WEB-INF/lib


于 2014-08-07T05:10:07.553 回答