我的目标是最终使用 QTP 将测试用例结果从 Excel 写回 QC。我设计了一个自动化框架,但需要将这些结果传递到 Quality Center 中的相应测试用例中。我有这段代码,它在“tcase(j).Field("TC_STATUS")= test_status”行给了我一个“一般运行错误”。
test_set_name = "test"
test_name = "test1"
test_status = "FAILED"
Call connect_to_QC()
Call update_test_status(test_set_name,test_name ,test_status)
'Closing the TD connection
Function connect_to_QC
qcUser = ""
qcPassword = ""
qcDomain = ""
qcProject = "Web_"
folder_path="Root\" ' the path of the folder which contains your test set
udv_qcServer = "<server:port/qcbin>"
Set udv_tdc = CreateObject("TDApiOle80.TDConnection")
'Initialise the Quality center connection
udv_tdc.InitConnectionEx udv_qcServer
'Loging the username and password
udv_tdc.Login qcUser, qcPassword
'connecting to the domain and project
udv_tdc.Connect qcDomain, qcProject
End Function
Function update_test_status(test_set_name, test_name,test_status)
folder_path="Root\EMS - Engagement Management System\EMS Test Team\EMS - Work Source\" ' the path of the folder which contains your test set
set udv_tdc = Qcutil.QCConnection
Set TSetFact = udv_tdc.TestSetFactory
Set tsTreeMgr = udv_tdc.TestSetTreeManager
Set TestSetFolder1=tsTreeMgr.NodeByPath(folder_path)
set tsff = TestSetFolder1.TestSetFactory.Filter
tsff.Filter("CY_CYCLE")= test_set_name
set tsl = tsff.NewList()
If tsl.count = 0 Then
Print "Test set with the name " & test_set_name & " is not found "
End If
For i=1 to tsl.count
Set ts = tsl.Item(i)
Set test_case_filter = ts.TSTestFactory.Filter
filter_string= Chr(34) & "*" & test_name & "*" &Chr(34)
Set tcase=test_case_filter.NewList()
If tcase.count = 0 Then
Print "Test case with the name " & test_name & " is not found "
End If
For j=1 to tcase.count
tcase(j).Field("TC_STATUS")= test_status
Next ' End of test CASE loop
Next 'End of test SET loop
End Function