我正在尝试访问现有 Google Developers Console (GDC) 项目的嵌入式 git 存储库。GDC 在 -SOURCE CODE-Releases 下显示了 git 存储库。我按照官方 gcloud 安装说明进行操作:
gcloud auth login /* pulls up browser and does authentication just fine */
gcloud config set project <project>
gcloud init <project>
$gcloud init fishbone
Initialized gcloud directory in [/Users/dummy/Workspace/fishbone/.gcloud].
Cloning [https://source.developers.google.com/p/fishbone/r/default] into [default].
Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/dummy/Workspace/fishbone/default/.git/
fatal: remote error: Invalid username/password.
You may need to use your OAuth token password; Note that generated google.com passwords are not compatible with private repositories
ERROR: Unable to initialize project [fishbone], cleaning up [/Users/dummy/Workspace/fishbone].
ERROR: (gcloud.init) Could not fetch repository.
仅在第一次安装 SDK 时(现在多次重试),我记得 gcloud init 要求输入用户名。此后再也没有。Mac OS X 10.9.3 和:
$git --version
$git version (Apple Git-48)
我知道这个相关的 gcloud init 问题,但不是这个。非常感谢帮助。