I am trying to create a virtual drum with leap motion. If a stick go fast and changes its direction in a moment (means high acceleration), I will count it as a "hit". The problem is I cannot calculate the acceleration of my tool (stick). I checked official documentation entirely however I did not see any function that finds the acceleration. Is there any method that I can calculate the acceleration of a tool ?
215 次
2 回答
于 2014-08-06T00:33:32.357 回答
我喜欢虚拟鼓的项目!无论如何,这就是我的做法:如果您将“击中”视为 SwipeGesture,您可以获得手势的速度,如果速度比您的“击中阈值速度”快,您认为 Swipe 为“击中”鼓!!!这是 Swing 手势速度的文档https://developer.leapmotion.com/documentation/cpp/api/Leap.SwipeGesture.html#cppclass_leap_1_1_swipe_gesture_1a055e9dc8167598af360254f4775a27c9
于 2014-08-05T15:01:20.617 回答