我有以下 XML 类型文件
<info version_id=... product_id=... account_id=...>
<result key=... value=...>
<result key=... value=...>
<result key=... value=....>
<info version_id=... product_id=... account_id=...>
<result key=... value=...>
<result key=... value=...>
<result key=... value=....>
我需要为每个“信息”节点创建以下列表: list(account+product, key, value) 我必须只获取属于 CRM 节点的“密钥”和“价值”信息。
string[] directoryXml = Directory.GetFiles(directory);
var listxmlresult = new List<XmlResultNode>();
foreach (var xmlfile in directoryXml)
var docxml = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList nodesInfo = docxml.SelectNodes("//info");
XmlNodeList nodesResult = docxml.SelectNodes("//info/CRM/result");
foreach (XmlNode info in nodesInfo)
string VersionId = info.Attributes["version_id"].Value;
string ProductId = info.Attributes["product_id"].Value;
string AccountId = info.Attributes["account_id"].Value;
string AccountProductId = AccountId + " : " + ProductId;
// verify that CRM node exist
if (docxml.SelectSingleNode("//info/CRM") == null)
//To do log info that CRM node is not available for the specific file
foreach (XmlNode result in nodesResult)
//To do verfiy value is empty
string Key = result.Attributes["key"].Value;
string Value = result.Attributes["value"].Value;
if (Value.Length != 0)
var listXmlResultTemp = new XmlResultNode(AccountProductId, Key, Value);
我无法在第二个循环中仅读取当前节点。我尝试了几种 xpath 可能性,但我无法使用 XmlNodeList 占据当前位置。