我们买了几个 LIFX 灯泡,我要求编写 ruby 代码来根据某些事件使 LIFX 闪烁。
我找不到任何让它闪烁的例子,有人知道怎么做吗?一些使用官方 gem 的代码示例将不胜感激
我们买了几个 LIFX 灯泡,我要求编写 ruby 代码来根据某些事件使 LIFX 闪烁。
我找不到任何让它闪烁的例子,有人知道怎么做吗?一些使用官方 gem 的代码示例将不胜感激
once you have installed the lifx gem you can try this:
require 'lifx'
# set the label of the bulb you want to "flicker"
label = 'YourBulbLabel'
client = LIFX::Client.lan
# find the light with the label you have set in your LAN
client.discover! do |c|
# turn on the lights
light = client.lights.with_label(label)
# make it flicker
light.set_color(LIFX::Color.hsbk(259, 0.1, 0.5, 5000), duration: 1)
sleep 1
light.set_color(LIFX::Color.hsbk(259, 1, 1, 5000), duration: 1)
sleep 1
light.set_color(LIFX::Color.hsbk(259, 0.1, 0.5, 5000), duration: 1)
sleep 1
hope this gets you started the documentation helped me a lot: http://www.rubydoc.info/github/lifx/lifx-gem/master/LIFX/