(function($) {
var len = $('.featured-thumbnail').length;
$('.featured-thumbnail').each(function(i) {
$(this).delay(Math.floor( Math.random() * 380 * len)).fadeTo(1000, 1); })
(function($) {
// jQuery selectors return array-LIKE objects,
// but not actual arrays. We need a real array.
var items = $.makeArray( $('.featured-thumbnail') );
var i = 0;
while (items.length > 0)
// pick a random index within our array
var idx = Math.floor( Math.random() * items.length );
// grab that item, remove it from the array.
// splice() returns an array, so grab the first (only)
// element from that array. splice() removes the
// selected element(s) from the original array
var selected = items.splice(idx, 1)[0];
// delay and fade in as before
$(selected).delay(i++ * 380).fadeTo(1000, 1);