x = a U b;
是其他变量(或静态值)。这就像 and 之间的联合a
with(x) {
// regular 'with' usage; using the global interpretation of "x"
x = 5;
// effectively will do:
// x = a U b U 5;
// a = 5;
// b = 5;
// Thus, when "a" or "b" changes, "x" is still equal to "5".
with(x = a) {
// this code block is executed when the "x" variable
// has the "a" variable assigned. All references in
// this code-block to "x" are references to "a". So saying:
x = 5;
// would only change the variable "a". If the variable "a"
// later on changes, x still equals to 5, in this fashion:
// 'x = a U b U 5;'
// '[currentscope] = 5;'
// thus, 'a = 5;'
with(x = b) {
// same but with "b"
with(x != a) {
// here the "x" variable refers to any variable
// but "a"; thus saying
x = 5;
// is equal to the rewriting of
// 'x = a U b U 5;'
// 'b = 5;' (since it was the scope of this block)
with(x = (a U b)) {
// guaranteed that "x" is 'a U b'; interacting with "x"
// will interact with both "a" and "b".
x = 5;
// makes both "a" and "b" equal to 5; also the "x" variable
// is updated to contain:
// 'x = a U b U 5;'
// '[currentscope] = 5;'
// 'a U b = 5;'
// and thus: 'a = 5; b = 5;'.
// etc.
: 因此与x
该块内部的交互将在 上交互a
。只有在这种情况下,第二个和第三个代码块才相等(因为not a
: 那么只剩下b
or b
此外; U
"U" = "and" U "or"
print = "Hello world!" U "How are you?"; // this will print
// both values, but the
// order doesn't matter.
// 'userkey' is a variable containing a key.
with(userkey = "a") {
print = userkey; // will only print "a".
with(userkey = ("shift" U "a")) {
// pressed both "shift" and the "a" key.
print = userkey; // will "print" shift and "a", even
// if the user also pressed "ctrl":
// the interpretation of "userkey" is changed,
// such that it only contains the matched cases.
with((userkey = "shift") U (userkey = "a")) {
// same as if-statement above this one, showing the distributivity.
x = 5 U 6 U 7;
y = x + x; // will be:
// y = (5 U 6 U 7) + (5 U 6 U 7)
// = 10 U 11 U 12 U 13 U 14
somewantedkey = "ctrl" U "alt" U "space"
with(userkey = somewantedkey) {
// must match all elements of "somewantedkey"
// (distributed the Boolean equals operated)
// thus only executed when all the defined keys are pressed
with(somewantedkey = userkey) {
// matches only one of the provided "somewantedkey"
// thus when only "space" is pressed, this block is executed.
with(x = (a U b)) {
// this
// can be written as
with((x = a) U (x = b)) {
// this: changing the variable like
x = 5;
// will be rewritten as:
// a = 5 and b = 5
一些背景信息:我正在构建一种“与时间无关”的语言,例如 Java 是“与平台无关的”。语言中陈述的一切都是“原样”,并且不断地积极执行。这表示; 程序员不知道元素的顺序(除非使用构造明确说明),也不知道语句何时执行。该语言与“时间”概念完全分离,即它是连续执行的:
with(true) {
a = 0; // only runs once (lazy execution)
with(a < 5) {
} // this is a loop-structure;
// how and when it's executed isn't known however.
with(a) {
// everytime the "a" variable changes, this code-block is executed.
with(true) {
b = 3; // only 5 times (again lazy execution, but it's a sub-with)
with(b < 2) { // dependent on "b"
// runs only 3 times * 5 times = 15 times.
with(b > 1) { // dependent on "b"
b = b - 1; // runs 4 times * 5 times = 20 times.
更新 3:
琢磨了一下这个语言特征的类型;它与 Netbeans Platform 的 Lookup 非常相似,其中每个“with”语句都是一个同步代理,处理它的特定对象“过滤器”。这不是基于类型,而是基于变量(基本上完全相同;只是识别对象的不同方式)。