注释在代码中,但简而言之,它在 上设置了一个侦听器,document
- 当您注册要侦听的键(组合)时,您提交键码(最好是从导出的“键”属性中获取的常量,您可以为自己添加更多常量),处理程序函数和可能的选项哈希,其中您说Ctrl和/或Alt键是否参与您对该键的计划。
- 当您取消注册密钥(组合)时,您只需提交密钥和Ctrl/ Alt-ness 的可选哈希。
window.npup = (function keypressListener() {
// Object to hold keyCode/handler mappings
var mappings = {};
// Default options for additional meta keys
var defaultOptions = {ctrl:false, alt:false};
// Flag for if we're running checks or not
var active = false;
// The function that gets called on keyup.
// Tries to find a handler to execute
function driver(event) {
var keyCode = event.keyCode, ctrl = !!event.ctrlKey, alt = !!event.altKey;
var key = buildKey(keyCode, ctrl, alt);
var handler = mappings[key];
if (handler) {handler(event);}
// Take the three props and make a string to use as key in the hash
function buildKey(keyCode, ctrl, alt) {return (keyCode+'_'+ctrl+'_'+alt);}
function listen(keyCode, handler, options) {
// Build default options if there are none submitted
options = options || defaultOptions;
if (typeof handler!=='function') {throw new Error('Submit a handler for keyCode #'+keyCode+'(ctrl:'+!!options.ctrl+', alt:'+options.alt+')');}
// Build a key and map handler for the key combination
var key = buildKey(keyCode, !!options.ctrl, !!options.alt);
mappings[key] = handler;
function unListen(keyCode, options) {
// Build default options if there are none submitted
options = options || defaultOptions;
// Build a key and map handler for the key combination
var key = buildKey(keyCode, !!options.ctrl, !!options.alt);
// Delete what was found
delete mappings[key];
// Rudimentary attempt att cross-browser-ness
var xb = {
addEventListener: function (element, eventName, handler) {
if (element.attachEvent) {element.attachEvent('on'+eventName, handler);}
else {element.addEventListener(eventName, handler, false);}
, removeEventListener: function (element, eventName, handler) {
if (element.attachEvent) {element.detachEvent('on'+eventName, handler);}
else {element.removeEventListener(eventName, handler, false);}
function setActive(activate) {
activate = (typeof activate==='undefined' || !!activate); // true is default
if (activate===active) {return;} // already in the desired state, do nothing
var addOrRemove = activate ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener';
xb[addOrRemove](document, 'keyup', driver);
active = activate;
// Activate on load
// export API
return {
// Add/replace handler for a keycode.
// Submit keycode, handler function and an optional hash with booleans for properties 'ctrl' and 'alt'
listen: listen
// Remove handler for a keycode
// Submit keycode and an optional hash with booleans for properties 'ctrl' and 'alt'
, unListen: unListen
// Turn on or off the whole thing.
// Submit a boolean. No arg means true
, setActive: setActive
// Keycode constants, fill in your own here
, key : {
VK_F1 : 112
, VK_F2: 113
, VK_A: 65
, VK_B: 66
, VK_C: 67
// Small demo of listen and unListen
// Usage:
// listen(key, handler [,options])
// unListen(key, [,options])
npup.listen(npup.key.VK_F1, function (event) {
console.log('F1, adding listener on \'B\'');
npup.listen(npup.key.VK_B, function (event) {
npup.listen(npup.key.VK_F2, function (event) {
console.log('F2, removing listener on \'B\'');
npup.listen(npup.key.VK_A, function (event) {
}, {ctrl: true});
npup.listen(npup.key.VK_A, function (event) {
}, {ctrl: true, alt: true});
npup.listen(npup.key.VK_C, function (event) {
console.log('ctrl-alt-C => It all ends!');
}, {ctrl: true, alt: true});
看Javascript Char Codes (Key Codes)发现很多keyCodes可以使用,